I always figured their reply would be “Well, if the environment is going to shit that that’s what God wants. Don’t question his master plan. He only does things or let’s things happen for a reason.”
“the earth was always meant to be temporary” is one I heard. Which for one thing rests on some heavy assumptions but also it is murder according the Jesus to be ok with your actions killing some farmer in Angola
I always figured their reply would be “Well, if the environment is going to shit that that’s what God wants. Don’t question his master plan. He only does things or let’s things happen for a reason.”
The faster we ruin the earth the closer we get to the apocalypse the sooner Christ returns and Yadda Yadda Yadda or some shit.
“the earth was always meant to be temporary” is one I heard. Which for one thing rests on some heavy assumptions but also it is murder according the Jesus to be ok with your actions killing some farmer in Angola
I remember watching a news report a few years ago where a bunch of people were basically saying exactly that.