This is a free news aggregator and news analysis site developed by a group of researchers at MIT and elsewhere to improve your access to trustworthy news. Many website algorithms push you (for ad revenue) into a filter bubble by reinforcing the narratives you impulse-click on. By understanding other people’s arguments, you understand why they do what they do – and have a better chance of persuading them.
I’m sorry but it’s just not doing anything it say it does. When I click on world news out of the first 20 headlines 18 were about USA (which are like domestic stuff). One about Sudan and one about Korea. What kind of algorithm is that?
This is a free news aggregator and news analysis site developed by a group of researchers at MIT and elsewhere to improve your access to trustworthy news. Many website algorithms push you (for ad revenue) into a filter bubble by reinforcing the narratives you impulse-click on. By understanding other people’s arguments, you understand why they do what they do – and have a better chance of persuading them.
Do you know of anyway to add this to an RSS feed?
This sounds cool, lemme check it out
First glance and already impressed with the details + mobile friendly view. Thanks for the pointer!
Fascinating! Thanks for the link. This is the sort of thing I was hoping for.
I’m sorry but it’s just not doing anything it say it does. When I click on world news out of the first 20 headlines 18 were about USA (which are like domestic stuff). One about Sudan and one about Korea. What kind of algorithm is that?
This just replaced ground news for me, very nice.