The statue, outside the Brussels stock exchange, had just been restored at great cost.
*looks at article
OH THANK FUCKING GOD! He wasn’t American
What article? lol
Click the “Read description” part.
Truly shocked he wasn’t either American or Australian, but I guess Irish makes sense too.
An Irish mad lad
Nah that’s just a normal irish lad
NOOOOOOO! Gobshite. :/
I was guessing American or English.
Yep my money was on English for sure, lol.
deleted by creator
Probably cannot afford to anyway.
For breaking a statue? Everyone makes mistakes.
Not everyone makes the type of mistake that shows they have no regard for others.
The tourist looks like they’re a teenager, to me, like maybe 16 or so? Is it their parent holding the camera or what?
He was arrested, and the company the statue belongs to is calling for him to pay the repair costs, not their parents, so maybe early 20s?
I’m getting old! I watch that video and think, “who let that kid play around on that statue?” and apparently he’s old enough to be criminally responsible haha.
Legally he’s old enough at 16 to be responsible, so they can’t go after the parents
I wonder how many pieces it broke into. When it hits, it sounds like it shattered.
Chop off his hand as punishment. It’s the only way.
The way we were, the other people would have grabbed him before he got halfway up and slapped him.
But people aren’t like that anymore. They’re all passive observers now, not * really* there.
Most be like, am i watching a video? In the cinema? VR headset? Am i truly here? Must be an influencer! It’s all scripted!
Nevermind - the best thing i can do is film…
Nothing some duct tape can’t fix
I think the artist who painted monkey Jesus is free if they want to book her
She’s now the head of tourism office in her town so not really. Not kidding.
(Actually she’s really old now and retired but she did get a job at the tourism office because her ‘work’ brought shitload of visitors to the town)
Let’s hope the guy has insurance… a good one.
I’m not aware of insurance that covered illegal acts.
Wait you guys don’t have murder insurance??
Not rich enough…
Although I’m only vaguely aware of the German laws, I don’t think other EU nations’ laws differ significantly.
Here’s the corresponding law:
The insurer shall not be obligated to effect payment if the policyholder has intentionally and unlawfully caused the loss suffered by the third party.
Since this was clearly negligence, I think they would be fine. After all, they didn’t intend to damage the statue. Gross negligence is still negligence.
That’s just the purge with extra steps.
liability insurance. In Germany, there are many that contractually agree to not refuse payment when the liablity occured out of gross negligence, which this would be by German standards… Yet… you were aware that this was a somewhat sarcastic remark and not me actually giving insurance advice, right?
Let’s hope he doesn’t and they sue him for everything he’s worth for the next 30 years.
Part of me is like, poor statue, how terrible.
Part of me is like, screw Belgium. Until they even the karmic scales for what they did to the Congo, they deserve everything they get.
People are going to climb statues. The owners should have made sure it was durable enough to be left in an accessible location. The kid did nothing wrong.
He wasn’t a kid; he was drunk.
And the building is now a museum to Belgian beer, so…
He’s still a kid.
Or… OR… you can expect people to not be fucking idiots.
Yeah, that’ll work.
We have been idiots for 10s of thousands of years. I dont see that changing