I dunno what else to add. Everything sucks
Try drinking whisky and black coffee. It works for me.
That makes ur body take a screenshot
Add some whip and you got yourself an Irish coffee!
Try drinking lemon juice with bee honey. It works for me
Try drinking absinthe and green tea. It works for me
At my absolute lowest points of soreness and coughing, nothing beats getting a hot shower going and just sitting cross-legged on the floor of it. Just relax your spine and slump forward and breathe in the steam while hot water pelts your whole back.
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Mood, on and off fever for 2 days too then right as I thought I was healing my stomach started doing loops
Try drinking Gatorade and liquid paraffin. It works for me.
Try drinking acid with a splash of lavender. It works for me
Have a nice sit, let your body do its thing. Less screen time would probably help your head right now. Maybe a nice shower? Might help some things relax, if you can manage it.
Pneumonia has been going around, if you find yourself not being able to clear out your lungs and having coughing fits kind of constantly to the point that you’re losing your voice, see a doctor. Chest x-ray will reveal all.
Have you tried butt chugging motor oil? Works for me every time.
I wish upon you delicious warm soup
We’re always here if you ever need anything. Both here and elsewhere.
I’m right here in the boat with you.
Some kind of hot drink is nice. The whiskey warms up the chest too. Hot showers are helping. I’m using the “boiling a frog” approach to getting the steamy water steamier as I normally can’t tolerate hot showers. And my new friend is a sinus irrigator, kind of like if a neti pot and a WaterPik had a baby. Battery operated pulsed water up the schnozz (using the premix packets of course). It’s helping to get the gunk out.
This is all in addition to liberal cough syrup and mucinex and Halls and Sinex.
I may need to give up and go to the doc.
Ok, I did a telehealth appt and got a Rx for antibiotics. Easy peasy.
Aw I’m sorry! Being sick is no fun. If you have any zinc tablets it’s good at boosting your immune system to be able to fight off infections easier. For coughs I find hot honey and lemon helps me a lot. Soup too! Be sure to rest up also since rest is important. Get well soon!! 🙏