If I owned a Tesla right now, I’d be in a bad situation. I sure as hell no longer want to be seen in one. The market for them has crashed, and nobody wants to buy one used. If I could afford a Tesla, I’d surely have insurance… I’d be rooting for somebody to set that shit on fire
There’s a great opportunity for someone to sell replacement badges and logos for “converting” a Tesla into, say, a Mazda.
People are already doing that! Not sure if it’s a specific kit but I have seen many with swapped badges around lately.
I put BYD badges on mine.
Prosthetic exhaust pipes?
First there were truck nuts…
I saw on AliExpress a fake double exhaust pipe kit for the Nissan leaf (ev) to attach with VHB to the back side
Edit: found the link in my notes app (acquisition date October 2023), but sadly it has been delisted, hopefully someone can use it to find a cached version or even just a photo of that https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005004107275197.html
Damn it. When I lived in the South I would’ve loved this. Plus a speaker for a loud engine rev.
As people have said, already happening:
And it’s not fooling anyone
My favorite was a picture I saw online of a cybertruck labeled TOYOTA
is this the one?
It’s weird, based on the article in thr grandparent comment, that image seems fake. It’s been photo shopped onto 2 nearly identical, but absolutely different “locations” (note the entire building that is missing in the one)
Careful, they’ll brick your software for that!
People have. There was a news article about it a few days ago.
I’ve also been daydreaming along these lines. I have an old Porsche that doesn’t run I’ve sort of wanted to electrify. There are a few kits out there, but pricy. If I get a cheap-as-shit Tesla, could I break it down and retrofit? Weight and suspension would be a problem. Plus I’ve heard they are a complete arse about proprietary computer stuff.
That or a Mazda 13b could be fun, but I’d have to gear it down somehow.