(No, just keep on. These kinds of regulations were long overdue)
EU has its many flaws but they pretty much doing their job in regards of consumer rights, human rights and protection of personal data.
If we could only fix that veto issue… And the parliament issue… Someday hopefully :')
The battery thing is for the environment
The European Convention of Human Rights, the Council of Europe and its court looks after human rights, not the EU.
You are right. My intention was to refer the whole of Europe as EU (which I know its incorrect) rather than go into specifics but regardless thanks for the clarification.
Question, do these bodies have teeth? And if so would these teeth exist without the EU?
My understanding of the EU is that the only thing they can really do to coerce uncooperative members is threaten to revoke membership.
So, if these bodies are not EU, and it wants to impose a sanction against a member nation, by what mechanism can it enforce that?
Just wondering.
Yes, the ECHR does have teeth. The UK is still subject to its rulings despite brexit
UK is still a member of The Council of Europe, which is different to the European Council…
What is the ECHR? It is an international court, set up in 1959, to rule on individual or state applications alleging violations of the civil and political rights set out in the European convention on human rights. Its judgments are binding on the 46 Council of Europe member states that have ratified the convention.
The EU cannot threaten revoking membership of the EU, there is no mechanism to expel a member state. There is only article 50 for the state leaving of its own accord, or suspension of rights
Need more of this energy in my life
When you land in your 30’s the warm feeling that makes you crave for a better world becomes a seething anger towards those who make this world harder to realize.
And you either take it out on strangers on the internet or become Ted KaczynskiBased. Also your writing style is great. Reminds me of those old “THIS IS A MOTHER FUCKING WASP” memes
Ahah thanks, but I am not based.
I’m just sour and acid, pH3 as in my name
I’m with you. I still use my 3.5mm jack daily. I’ve got some cheap PC stereo speakers next to my bed, so I can listen to stuff to fall asleep to. They suck for music, but are just fine for audiobooks for instance.
That’s why you carry two sets of Airpods on a 12 hour flight. /s
It takes 5 minutes at most to get another hour of playback from my headset. You do not need a headphone jack in this day an age, and I say this as an avid music listener. Also ANC won’t work if your battery is dead most of the time, so having a wired option is not that useful for your flight
Talking seriously, I really hate that everything in this day and age has to come with a battery: it’s a useless waste of resources.
When you buy a good set of cabled earphones it will be good for life (I used my AudioTechnica M50 for more than 10 years and only had to change the cable once), wireless you’ll have to throw them away when the batteries will eventually die (in 3 years on average).
E-waste is a serious issue, if you want to go green, go cable <3Okay so I go running quite often, no phone on me, just my watch (which is on my wrist) and my AirPods.
How does your setup work in my regard? Because I genuinely don’t see a way to go cabled for it without changing how I do things, and having a cable running to my watch is just stupid.
(I do use wired headphones whenever I’m at home because we all know it’s better at a fundamental level) but let’s be honest AirPods have their place.
- Never said that bluetooth buds/earphones should be dismantled, please abandon this “if you have an argument for your thing it means you’re against my thing” mindset, it makes you sound dumb and you are not;
- Back in the 90’s joggers would run with huge-ass cassette walkmans powered by 4x AA batteries strapped on their shorts and hardly anyone popped an hernia or got strangled by the earphones: while we had great achievements in terms of electronics wearability, don’t let comfort be your cage.
Yeah I realize my comment came off as argumentative and isn’t really how I meant it, I more so meant I can’t see a way for me to use a wired set without changing how comfortable my run currently is. (Again, I do PREFER wired for home use etc, but on the go I just can’t use anything but my AirPods for comfort). I think it’s also an ease of use thing for me too, as I LOVE that I can go for that run, come home, take a shower WITH THEM, to rinse off, then sit down with my steam deck and they are already connected without me doing a thing. I think I’m just spoiled by the ease of use the more I type about this honestly.
If you find yourself having a good run with them, have at it, don’t let anyone yuck your yum.
I just want to be given the possibility of making the choice I think it’s best for my use cases
Because air pod is not my only headset
But you can have a DAC to plug them in then, which probably will sound better than your phone’s
Yes. Also I need a SCSI connector. Do that obsolete piece of shit as well.
Fuck that. Do 16-lane PCIe gen 5 instead
The number of times and situation I’ve wished I had wired earbuds. And this is someone who generally uses wireless headphones. The fact that they removed it in the first place is bs
At least the EU protects consumers’ rights, which is a breath of fresh air and it is something to be appreciated. Not going to lie.
Especially in contrast to the US who completely stopped pretending to support consumers.
Let’s hope it stays that way, now that Fiona Scott Morton was appointed “Chief Economist of EU’s Directorate-General for Competition”.
Are they objectively doing this to help consumers though, or is there another reason and it just so happens to benefit consumers.
Reminder: Steve Jobs was a non-engineer, non-designer Marketing guy who was famously against charity and refused to pay child support despite being mega rich.
He didn’t create the I-anything. He took what talented people did and made himself the face of it. He was a bad dude, a model capitalist, and the world is better for his preventable, self-inflicted early demise. Thanks for being into alternative “medicine” at least, Steve.
Elon Musk is a wannabe Steve Jobs, it all makes sense.
He went to Switzerland to try the proton therapy to cure cancer. When you know how expensive it’s, he could help a lot of people.
He went to Switzerland to try the proton therapy to cure cancer. When you know how expensive it’s, he could help a lot of people.
You sound like if Steve Jobs fucked your mom and never called her back X’D
If I slap you there’s a non-zero chance Steve Job’s cock falls out of your mouth.
I’m actually not an admirer of mr. Jobs either, should have clarified that.
I just found amusing such amount of anger, like something personal is involvedNo, I just don’t like when the do nothing capitalists, living or dead, take credit for the work and technical achievements of people that actually provide something of worth to humanity. People should think of rooms of engineers toiling and exhausted factory workers when they think about how their iphone was made, not Donald Trump in a turtleneck and jeans blustering about the magic phone he made.
I mean, it’s pretty damn low though.
Replaceable batteries are so early millenia.
“We CaNnOt mAkE tHeM wAtErProOf.”
Galaxy S5 starts laughing
Waterproof devices are excluded from having to have replaceable batteries. Just FYI
Also, newer android phones don’t have replaceable batteries either. So why always bitch about just Apple?
Only devices which are made for “underwater use as their main purpose”. Smartphones do not qualify.
Ahh, yes, true, under a new, upcoming regulation. Should read more news. ;-) thanks for painting that out!
Wow, a sincere, thankful reply. This place is indeed a lot better than reddit, isn’t it? I’ll have to get used to this type of internet
I already said this in another comment but Samsung STILL makes them! https://www.samsung.com/us/business/mobile/phones/galaxy-xcover-pro/
Yea it’s technically made for bussiness to give to their employees but you can still buy it for personal use. Specs ain’t great tho, but the point is that it is possible.
My work gave me one of these. Worst phone I’ve ever used.
Yea its like how schools pay millions of dollars for computers only for them to be laggy af. Some organizations just don’t care as long as it’s usable to do whatever the organization needs it to do. It’s usually cheaper for an organization to buy 500 of these since they are probably cheaper in bulk, and its easier to manage. An organization could probably get a bulk purchase deal on flagships, but its gonna be more expensive, and they dont wanna spend even slightly more than they had to, they just want cheap stuff that works, even very slowly. If a manufacturer wanted to, they could spend production money to making these flagship, but why do that when you can seal batteries and make their devices die quicker and sell more phones?
Nokia 5210 wants to have a word with you.
That phone would literally survive fat man & little boy combined!
Samsung STILL makes them! https://www.samsung.com/us/business/mobile/phones/galaxy-xcover-pro/
Now hit em again with a FaceTime on other platforms and finish off with an iMessage on Android!
I would looooove iMessage to be an option on my PC computers and my friends’ Android phones. Signal is great, but iMessage is so super clean. I love that I can have E2E encrypted chats from my laptop to my friends’ phones.
People complain about BuBbLe CoLouRs without even knowing what it means… iMessage is legitimately amazing. 100% get it to other platforms, Apple!
based EU
“Your honor, the apple vision pro was specifically designed to be used inside a small sailing ship.”
I’ll believe it when I see it.
I mean I think apple is just gonna increase prices in the EU and blame regulators.
Yeah likely, not as if they needed to stay competitive with such a loyal fanbase
Ironic since I’d wager most of social media users have apple phones
No way that’s true. Most social media users are in Asia and Africa where Android is King!
Exactly. Worldwide market share of Apple devices was around 18-20% if I remember correctly.
I’ve once seen a poll on Reddit where Android was leading with ~60% against Apple with ~40% but idk how trustworthy those polls are since they rely on user input instead of concrete OS data gathering and it was ofc a subreddit poll so it just reached a small group of Redditors
Actually, since battling my phone addiction, my battery holds up the whole day. I use an iPhone 14 Pro, right now I’m 6 hours in my work day, currently on a break, typing this with 92% remaining. Half a year ago I’d have charged it by now because it would have had less than 20%.
Unpopular opinion here: I don’t mind the Non-replaceable battery. Since battling my phone addiction, it holds up strong. I use the iPhone 14 Pro. Half a year ago I’d have charged it by my lunch break because it would’ve dropped to 20%. Now I’m typing this with 92% battery remaining. I also don’t care about the charging port. Yes, it sucks, but if it wasn’t for the headphone jack adapter I would not use it. I’ve been using induction charging ever since the first Galaxy Fold. Okay, I agree with that shops stuff.
What I really care about is the right of repairability. You can’t use things from another iPhone because in their database they have to manually remove the screen/battery/camera/cable/whatever from your phone and add the serial number of the new part. Like, if I order (overpriced) replacement parts for my iPhone 14 and I use those parts to repair a friend‘s iPhone 14, that fucking piece of shit throws and error unless some magical fuckery of a workaround is made.
Unfortunately “USB-C” means nothing. It just describes what type of connector to use.
I mean its gpod enough,no? Tp be able to force apple to not use proprietary charging. And i assume data will also be a thing on their products, whether or not it uses the full speed capabilities of usb c dpesnt seem to matter.
Last I read was that apple was going to throttle their usb-c ports being used with non-apple blessed cables. And those cables are supposed to be pretty spendy, as they’re going to be “apple taxed”, <cough> I mean certified as apple is calling it. I hope the EU puts the smack down on them for trying to create such a loophole in interoperability requirements.
“USB-C” really only means “that flat oval shaped connector” and absolutely nothing more. The plug and cable and connected devices define what USB standard is used. You can deliver anything from “charging only USB 2.0 low power” to USB 4 with 240 W charging and 80Gbps data transfer including 8K@60 DisplayPort tunneling via USB-C.
Still better than: “Can you borrow me your charging cable? Oh, you got USB-C. Well shit!”
Yes, USB-C only describes the physical connector, but unless Apple somehow insists on giving users a more shitty experience when using USB-C they are kind of forced to support a reasonable standard for data transfer and charging. We probably won’t get 240W charging or anything close, but we also won’t see a degradation compared to lightning.
You just said it means nothing, then explained what it means. Why is it unfortunate that apple will need to put UBC C on the single device that still doesn’t have it FROM THEIR OWN LINEUP.
It’s also a proprietary standard that needs to be licensed. They’ve basically handed the USB organization a complete monopoly over smartphones. I know there is no suitable open source option that can replace USB but it’s still far from ideal. Maybe for the next step in furtherance of hardware freedom we should also be funding the development of a proper open source alternative, or campaign for USB to be open sourced.
Look, I’m happy about the EU regulating these things and think it’s great for the overall ecosystem. But can we please stop with the “Apple users are braindead” circlejerk? It’s so fucking cringe, and it unironically reminds me of the unebearable zeal that Apple cultists used to (and probably still do but I see it less) impose on anyone who made the mistake of getting to close to them.
I’ve had many Android phones over the years, and one iPhone 8. While I am considering moving to a de-Googled Android for privacy reasons, I have to say, my iPhone has held up better than any of my Android phones (Galaxy S3, S4, LG G3) did, without needing to replace the battery. Just because you can’t understand why someone might want one doesn’t mean everyone who gets an iPhone is an idiot.
I would much rather have left this kind of tech chest-beating over at reddit.
Edit: This was directed more towards the community as a whole and to the commenters I’ve seen saying this kind of thing in this thread and most other threads like it in lemmy/reddit. The original post by OP isn’t really what I was responding to.
Those who are still on the ‘apple bad’ train like to forget they are running an OS built by an ads company.
Every phone manufacturer has some bad shit, I choose to stick with apple cuz I already have a big library of paid stuff.
I’ve been flashing custom firmware on my phone since before Android was a thing, I’ll have you know my OS is built by dodgy Russian hackers installed on a dodgy Chinese phone, thank you very much.