Everything I believe is correct though, so if I see something that agrees with what I already believe, it can’t possibly be propaganda.
You just fell for that ‘truth’ propaganda didn’t you? 😜
That’s just what you want me to think.
It’s just what they want you to believe. They don’t want you to be successful.
“Propaganda doesn’t work on me, I vote third party!”
-Actual quote from a coworker.
U always reply w this when someone online talks about how ads don’t work on them
They can’t work on you if you don’t see them. My gal Ublock Origin taught me that.
Every logo on every product is an ad. Not to mention everything you come across on a stroll through town. Unless youre living that unabomber lifestyle you’re absolutely exposed to ads.
Not if I blind myself with a rusty spoon
and deafen myself with a pointy loom
Oooo, while I do feel that I am very aware of, and hostile to, intrusive advertising online I have actually bought a few things specifically because I had seen them in an ad. It makes me feel a little conflicted but all of those things were extremely niche, so it took extremely targeted ads for things I would have eventually found on my own to actually make the sale.
I didn’t believe this, but then i saw this being posted again and again, and now i’m starting to think it might actually be true
You are correct, disembodied head of Garfield the Cat. Please tell me how to think and how I should feel.
Nope. I worked in the propaganda industry - I know I’m not immune to it. Nobody is.
No but when I want to be objective I just turn off my biases before I read the thing so I’m good. It’s everyone else that can’t do that what has to worry.
For every type of propaganda that you recognize, there are a dozen others you don’t. There’s propaganda designed for people who think they’re too smart to fall for propaganda. Too much money and power is at stake to leave any loose ends.
What if this is propaganda? Checkmate atheists.
Never said I was. I’m trying to become more aware of it.
I think the best way to detect propaganda is when some “fact” flatters your ego.
I now want to watch Garfield cartoons for some reason…
How do you feel about lasagna?
Propaganda is what British people do when they want a better look at something.
It is propaganda just for candides. For optimists, it is a psi-op strategy