In the long run, the only viable solution is proportional representation: !

List of American owned media pretending to be Canadian, infiltrating Canadian culture and politics.

  • 14 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: December 18th, 2021

    1. Yeah, that’s why your point about “There was a point where Democracy didn’t exist, and it wasn’t that long ago” doesn’t make any sense. Shall we return to the dark ages?
    2. I am in support of proportional representation, which can occur independent of political party, similar to FPTP.
    3. Ok, so you haven’t addressed my point about political parties existing independent of FPTP. Also, I never even brought up tribalism once, that was the other commenter (nor am I even in favour of it).
    4. Yes, democracy only functions when everyone has a say in governance, as proportional representation guarantees. It is the best system of governance, and to say otherwise is shows how nonsensical your thinking is.
    5. Yes, we have a two party system because of plurality voting, which is described by Duverger’s law. Elimination of political parties … is impractical.
    6. Clearly, you are taking my responses personally. Good luck living life feeling constantly like you are the victim and holier than thou.

  • There was a point where Democracy didn’t exist, and it wasn’t that long ago

    Yeah, back when democracy didn’t exist, humanity lived in misery compared to today’s living standards.

    We can do better than our less intelligent ancestors can’t we? Especially when we all agree generally that the systems we have aren’t working.

    Yeah, the better system is called proportional representation.

    political parties from the system wholly impractical

    Believe it or not, there is no part of our FPTP electoral system entrenches that political parties in the first place. I know you might not like it, but it’s factually the truth. They organically come about because people, it’s the most efficient way to organize.

    otherwise do not waste further time responding with wikipedia links you clearly do not understand.

    You are a very angry person, lol. But regardless, Duverger’s law is the reason we have a “two party” system.