When an election is called vote how you want, but beware. The trolls are already out in force trying to spread misinformation and lies.
As Canadians we need to be diligent and fact check everything. Our elections need to remain fair and we will be tested every step of the way
Piggybacking off this comment to repost a comment I’ve put elsewhere. I’m new to Lemmy and understand its not as dynamic as reddit due to the smaller userbase, but figure some people might not be reading all comments.
With that outta the way:
- Received a government pension at 31, then raised the retirement age on hard-working Canadians
- Defined marriage as a union between ‘one man and one woman, to the exclusion of all others’ (in front of his gay parent)
- Visited and courted far-right extremist groups
- Said Indigenous Peoples needed to learn the value of hard work more than they needed compensation for residential schools
- Worked to bring American-style, anti-union laws to Canada
- Said he’d use the notwithstanding clause, overriding Canadians’ rights
- Committed to free votes, allowing his MPs to bring forward anti-abortion legislation
Timbit Trump has had a terrible history as MP, I don’t want to see him as PM.
I mean the scariest part to me is that he doesn’t have a single accomplishment. His resume is blank
Yea, he’s had a career as a politician. Maybe he’s giving his constituency what they want, but doesn’t seem to align with Canadian values in my book
Look. Even if you’re a lefty and think the Liberals are too far right, the alternative is WAY worse and our system requires strategic voting In certain districts where the left vote is split.
I recommend sites like votewell.ca to figure out if you need to vote strategically.
My two cents are that this strong is reaction to Trump and Poilievre. Liberals want a candidate that will stand up for Canada, and now is not the time to experiment. (Sadly, as a left-leaning Canadian, I agree).
I liked Chretien’s: “From one old guy to another, stop this nonsense!”
Incredible energy at 91 y/o!
I’m watching on cpac.
Good speech from Chrétien, considering he’s 90 years old although the people yelling “woooo!” after every other sentence should maybe calm down a bit.
NDP supporter here … but I’ve always enjoyed Chretien as a solid leader with a goofy side. It’s amazing for me because I’m indigenous and Chretien was the leading edge of wanting to remove native rights in the 70s as minister of indian affairs … but I still love the guy because he good at heart and I looked up to him in the 90s as prime minister. Lots of respect for him for leading Canada.
Saying all that though … I’m still an NDPer
The increased Liberal momentum has boosted the NDP’s chance to win my riding substantially so I’m definitely grateful for that.
Carney seems like he’s open to electoral reform so hopefully this is the last FPTP election.
Carney seems like he’s open to electoral reform
So was Trudeau. I hope you’re right, but it feels like a longshot.
Carney said big changes. If he wins the general election it’s definitely a mandate for big changes.
Only if it’s a majority government.
Carney isn’t going to go for MMP the same way the NDP isn’t going to go for ranked ballot.It will be interesting for sure to see what kind of government emerges from the next general election. Could even be in 6 weeks from now.
The Liberals and Conservatives aren’t going to do election reform. First past the post is a massive benefit to both of them.
Not Canadian, no dog in this race, but also in a FPTP government so yeah, fingers crossed you guys girls and everything around it get a proportional system.
Thank you! Any system is better than FPTP. I’m hoping we go MMP as we then get the best of both worlds.
I doubt he’ll support PR. The Liberal Party benefits from FPTP more than any other party. They stand the most to lose from a PR system.
There’s no good reason for PR or nothing. RCV or even top 2 runoff (not as good as RCV, imo) can be legitimately preferred.
See: A Simple Guide to Electoral Systems. It’s still a work in progress, but lays out a good framework for discussing electoral systems.
We need to stop seeing PR as anything except citizen’s having the most to gain under PR.
Reminder of the Liberal’s record on proportional representation: “Liberals never wanted to “make every vote count.”… Electoral reform has become a bonbon offered at election. As far back as 1919, Liberals have campaigned on the promise of proportional representation”
I loved his joke about burning down the White House lol
“don’t make us come down there again!”
That would be me. Sorry. Energy in the room was exciting. A lot of us had the nostalgia factor.
I’ve never voted liberal, never liked chretien when I was young. Voted cons to give them a minority back in the day, saw what they did and said never fucking again. And have voted other parties since. But god damn, I’m going to vote for mark Carney.
Not that my 86% conservative voting region will give a fuck.
Based on Carney’s speech, he’s aiming to take votes from both the NDP and the conservatives.
Yah which is good. But around here the conservative candidate could literally kill the voters parents and they would still vote for them. We have so many traitors its not even funny. Ive been inundated with pro trump wanting to be the 51st state fucks.
I’ve noted them and if the war ever begins I have a very long list of people I am dragging out and executing in the fucking streets.
Ive been inundated with pro trump wanting to be the 51st state fucks.
That’s a thing?
Is it new, or was the sentiment around before Trump floated the idea?
Ive had trump 2024 flags around since 2020. Like I said I’ve made a list and people will be dragged into the street. But not until we reach a point of no return for these traitors.
But did they actually want to become a 51st state?
I’m curious because, from my perspective in the US, this came out of the blue. But the idea is less random if some MAGA Canadians were ostensibly asking for it before.
Sadly, I do not think he will pull many conservatives. All he needs to do though is hold them to the 30% of wing it’s who love the blue and to pull enough NDP votes to win.
There’s loads of voters who go from conservative to liberal and vice versa - case in point - look at Ontario. Goes conservative provincially, now almost guaranteed to go liberal federally.
However, look at the polls before and after the recent swing in Liberal fortunes. There is little movement in the conservatives. It mostly a shift to Liberal from NDP.
So the Liberals have gotten back people protesting the Liberals, not people the genuinely like the Conservatives.
I generally don’t vote liberal, usually NDP. When the parties aren’t really that much different from each other I don’t mind putting my vote towards a long shot.
But right now, when the options are
- Sell Canada out to Trump
- Not the above
I’m basically obligated to ensure #2 wins
Lol are you from rocky mountain house as well
Calling this a landslide is underselling it - wow.
Jaw dropped, I think the expectation was 55-65.
The fact that anyone voted for the finance minister of a deeply unpopular PM is more surprising to me. Freeland has a lot for gall thinking she could sign those cheques for years, then jump off the train as it’s flying off the cliff and assume the Trudeau stink wouldn’t follow her. It’s literally that the other candidates were nobodies that she ended up in second.
I kinda think she was there to make Carney’s glow brighter.
Just have to add: Carney will be Canada’s first ever PM (although he’s currently PM-designate) to be from the Northwest Territories. We have a Northern PM. I love this for us.
Apparently Trump of the North Poilievre has been trying out “carbon tax Carney” as a nickname. And this despite Carney saying he’ll repeal the carbon tax. (Probably a good electoral move, despite the carbon tax being a good idea).
Anyhow, I don’t think a guy whose obvious nickname is “little PP” should be opening the door to the nickname game.
He’s repealing the consumer carbon tax.
It’s easy to just shift the costs to the background by charging producers. The outcome is largely the same.
I think this might be one of his weak spots, when he’s been asked about the carbon tax issue previously he starts to talk a little too much like a microeconomist. When he was asked about this by Rosemary Barton he went on for too long and it became convoluted. The public won’t get a lot out of his explanations unless they get a lot simpler and until then the conservatives can say basically what you just said: his new system will deliver largely the same outcome.
I mean, good, the outcome is as intented.
People chose market solutions over harsh regulations and now the consequences for that are coming and many are crying about it.
I like the carbon tax and wish it was substantially higher. I live in an efficient way (condo living, bike everywhere, plant based diet) and from the people around me it sure feels like the carbon tax is far too low to make them reconsider any of their actions. I still see people constantly idling their cars for no reason and that’s the least of it.
Same, I agree, the majority of Canadians are net receivers, you have to work pretty hard to engage in enough emissions generating activities to actually be a payer. But many won’t see it like we do, unfortunately.
I had no idea who Mark Carney was until I saw his interview with Jon Stewart. I thought the interview went pretty well but he’s obviously not as good at interviews as Jon. Definitely seems like an outsider and didn’t talk like a politician.
In that interview, I was surprised to find he seemed like a human being. And his laugh seemed to come from inside him. PP on the other hand seems to get his laughter delivered by FedEx.
Yeah, I found his laughing was pretty real. He was laughing as if he was watching and enjoying the show.
Insane. Now let’s see to what extent that translates to the general public.
It seems really promising. Even my mother who voted MAGA in America really likes Carney. He is absolutely swaying many conservatives with how comically overqualified he is for the position.
I was taken aback by this random person’s statement, interviewed by the CBC about this. They were like “Well we all know that Poilievre is good, but Carney just seems better.” 🥹
85.9% – that rounds to 86% not 85%
I’m so glad I donated and voted. I’ve voted liberal since Trudeau’s first run, and prior to that I voted NDP (my local NPD candidate was awesome, and I knew him through charity work – I would have voted any party to support that guy).
I’m thrilled with this news.
I don’t dislike Freeland, but she would have been a disaster. I liked her in the debate, but I hated her campaign (in an alternative universe where Trudeau never ran, she’d have been great). She can’t brush off the last 9 years of her life – she was helping steer the LPC bus, there’s no getting around that. I’m glad she drove it into a fence and forced this vote though.
Gould seemed good but I don’t think she would ever convert any Conservative voters, or even be a clear choice above NDP.
I actually loved Baylis, I thought he killed the debate doing by far the best. I would support him.
Freeland draws too much Krasnov hate. Agreed.
I mentioned in another comment I don’t think she would be Trump’s foil, I think she would be his punching bag. She can take a punch, she seems damn tough, but I don’t think that’s what the country needs right now.
At this moment in time, he’s the right man to lead the country. I’m glad to see the party united behind him.
Looks like Canada is going to have a future after all!
touch wood
Wow 86% that is an incredible win
I missed the sub name and was momentarily hopeful the left in the US was going to get some kind of meaningful leadership.
How silly of me.