When you have 100tb
When you have 100tb
Am from rural south and this sounds like bullshit. I’m in a state that “thanks God for Mississippi” and if you make $35k+ here you’re not getting much if any in the way of government assistance. But this commenter is a self proclaimed librarian so… Also how is this government victimizing them when they’re essentially shopping at the company store? The rich are the ones gaming the tax system and handing that burden to the folks subject to “middle class welfare”.
Real art = analog art? I need to tell all of my electronic musician buddies.
Maybe because they’re only on the blockee side of things, generally being the annoying or abusive one? All I can figure.
Why not allow users to keep certain other users from seeing any of their content or interacting with them?
Are we blaming the people and communities of Reddit or the actions of the IPO-minded business?
Inb4 “yes”.
Everything is east. Even here is east of here.
I think it’s less to do with IOS vs Android and more to do with phone vs PC (potentially even ones where you had to use command prompt to do things). File systems, OS corruption, ability to replace parts, etc are not really things a typical phone-only user is going to deal with. There are a lot of primarily phone, tablet, Chromebook users these days and it abstracts away a lot of the lower-level stuff that millennials were forced to deal with to use AOL Instant Messenger to chat.