PPSSPP and Dolphin. Playing through the entirety of Paper Mario: TTYD, Luigis mansion, Sims 2, and Killzone wasted a good chunk of idle time for me.
PPSSPP and Dolphin. Playing through the entirety of Paper Mario: TTYD, Luigis mansion, Sims 2, and Killzone wasted a good chunk of idle time for me.
Tokyo. Splurge in Akihabara and eat some authentic ramen.
They suck at sucking in visual info
My first thought to since my eyes suck. I’d also like some features attached like zooming, able to change eye colors, maybe see in different light spectrums.
I’m a production artist working for a small production studio. I work from home and my hours are super flexible. So long as I get my work done they don’t care how long and when I start work. The pay kinda sucks since it’s about $30k a year but I’m a recent graduate so I understand.
In terms of satisfaction? No. In terms of finances? Not sure. By my age, my parents were together, my mom had my sister and my dad became a step father to her, they had a lot of friends and were very popular. Me…not so much in any of those things. But I’m living comfortably in my own apartment, no kids or S.O. so I have a lot of spare cash and a lot of things I like. I don’t know if my parents had the same pleasures as me at this age.
I couldn’t think of a name for her when she was a kitten so I just called her Kitty as a placeholder. Then, that became her name. My Kitty.
To get out of someone’s way in a store today. Not really a jump, more like a hop.
For one of my game stories, I made a language called Philter that was replaced by Deen after The Machine War. Still not complete but I have a few characters made.
Sure, here’s where I post stuff I do https://www.instagram.com/monstrous.creations
Storyboard/3D generalist. I work at a small animation studio from home. The good thing about this is that I basically work whatever hours I want as long as I get my work done. That means 11 or 12 start times and I also get a chance to work on my personal projects when it’s a slow time. The pay could be better but that’s my only complaint.
Two classmates got into a fight in class and I bailed out of there because I wanted no part of it. The teacher got mad at me for bailing and said I should’ve done something. I was 12, what do you think I could do?
Both of my parents can speak our native language fluently but I can’t. I can say some words and understand it slightly but I was never taught I’m nowhere near fluent.
Possibly start packing for my move to a new city for work. Either that or lie in bed and play on my phone.
Stay inside. That’s all. The only thing that changes is not as much walking but where I live nothing is walkable so nothing changes much anyways.
Saving the VIP on Veteran at the end of Modern Warfare. I spent 4 hours, 4 HOURS trying to save that guy. Not a traditional boss but a boss nontheless
I can work on my intelligence but I can’t work on my genetics. So, if take physical attractiveness.
I found a porno mag my sisters boyfriend had
I took my mom and aunty to dinner and they were playing a movie in the resteraunt which was a nice surprise. Then, after dinner we went to a town gathering then a family gathering. It was pretty fun.
Lifestyle - Rich Gang. To this day I don’t know what it’s about. Mostly due to my laughter.