Ancestors, since they’d be far more likely rationalise my bizarre present-day manner as being possessed by demons or something to that effect rather than assuming I’m from half a millennium in the future, I can’t say I have any specific guesses as to what the society of 2523 might look like, but I suspect that they’d be far more likely to jump to the somewhat improbable sci-fi explanation of time travel (or perhaps some other technological explanation like mind malware if brain implants become a thing) than assuming supernatural explanations of demons or witchcraft.
Whoa, don’t think achievements are all good! Video games left me with a chronic addition to achievement hunting that I only escaped from last year. To this day, I still have to fight the urge to take random objects and place them in obtuse places for the off chance that I’ll get an achievement for sticking a traffic cone on a road sign or something.