- Being dropped 500 years ago into your ancestors’ community.
- Being dropped 500 years into the future in your community.
You have a day to source some clothing appropriate to the time period. Unfortunately, that’s not enough time to learn a dialect.
I mean this seems like an easy answer to me no? People in the past wouldn’t suspect you’re from the future, they’d think you were posessed or something. People in the future would be much more likely to think of time travel, plus they’d have records of old accents and stuff.
Time travel to the future is interesting but not harmful. Time travel to the past is disastrous. But no one had concept if it do you’d be free to overwrite the future.
Scenario 2 is where you would be outed as a time traveller.
Scenario 1 is where you would be outed as a witch.
Not sure witch would happen first.
Well with scenario 1, it would be fairly quick because people speak way different now than 500 years ago.
That would be an interesting one, because I speak enough old norse and Latin to pass as a foreigner from the far east (until they realise I don’t speak Arabic). But 2523 English will be unrecognizable, and worse, they’d probably recognize our “old” English. It’s like if Shakespeare showed up today, vs some guy from the future who barely speaks English and pretends to only speak an uncommon foreign language.
You could play dumb.
European colonization of America wouldn’t have started yet so a majority of Americans wouldn’t even be on the same continent. Most of us wouldn’t even speak the same language as our ancestors. My ancestors would most likely understand English but wouldn’t speak it as their primary language. That may somewhat disguise the dialect difference but would cause all sorts of other problems. They may be actively fighting a war with England or they may be in a period of uneasy peace getting ready for the next war with England.
For real shits and giggles:
You get dropped exactly where you are now, just 500 years ago. All the European descended people not living in Europe are (very likely) in for a bad time.
I’m in western Appalachia. There were no human settlements here but I might run into a group of hunters. I feel like I’m pretty decent in nature. I’ve been hunting, hiking, and camping in this area my whole life. With no modern equipment I give myself about a week. Most likely cause of death: Snakebite or eaten by wolves.
Probably not a bad time in the places that had never seen them. It’s only the people who they’d already been dicks to by 1523 that you’d need to worry about.
I actually looked this one up, there was no settlement of any kind right on this spot, so I’d have time to sort myself out before approaching a settlement a few days’ journey.
Scenario 1 is where you would be outed as a witch.
Unlikely, since I am a man :-)
Ok 80% of me can survive then :-)
They get to pick which 20% of you to burn though.
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I think it would be pretty easy to blend into the future than the past. Though I don’t think in either case you’d necessarily be outed as a time traveler. The past, you’re a witch. The future, you’re just a crazy person.
Nah the future, you’re like your grandparents who don’t know how to Google, but so much worse. Technology has progressed so far, we wouldn’t recognize it, but it’ll have been taught from. Society will be so fundamentally different that we don’t even have the context to discuss it here. The past, we can make suppositions, and while some will be wrong, we have some idea of what it’s like, but the future, we’d be like a Napoleonic war veteran running out of gas in his car because he can’t read the dials, didn’t know what gas is, and can’t use a gas pump because he has no bank account and cannot open one without a social security card.
Technology still needs to be designed to be used. Think of all the technology that still retains its basic form and only the material it’s made of significantly changing. The Boomers that call for annoying tech support questions are just refusing to learn a new skill.
Yeah, I don’t think spoons, and sandwiches, and socks are going to change that much. Most ‘tech’ changes a couple of times in a single lifetime (this was true even several hundred years ago), but the basics stay largely the same. Language is how they’ll catch you
Who knows.
Maybe sandwiches have been completely forgotten and you can make a nice little business out of making perfectly ordinary sandwiches.
languages change over time but you can easily pretend to be mute
1 - pretend while you learn the language
2 - you’re fucked, future tech cured this centuries ago
500 years in the past, I’d not survive long enough to be outed. It was not a good time to be a woman.
500 years in the future, hard to predict but I’d take that option if offered. Except with none of whatever currency they use and no ID would likely starve or be arrested for trying to evade identification.
So how about, you go to the future, look up a museum of your time, then just go and be yourself, like the people who do similar in museums now of the past.
Either way though, unless time travel has become widespread in the future, you wouldn’t be outed, people would just straight think you’re a bit odd. There’s people now who straight up claim to be time travellers and we’re just like, OK mate, suuuure.
You may look more than a bit odd if you go to the past and someone notices the phone you forgot to remove from your jean pocket. Or you start making predictions like Nostradamus that are all accurate.
I think even then people are too skeptical. I could stand in Trafalgar square and start levitating and everyone will be like “Well done, clever trick!”
I think the language/dialect barrier would be a huge one in either case. To wit, the historical versions of the lords prayer- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_Lord's_Prayer_in_English
Future would be rough with a near complete lack of knowing current cultural norms, lingo, history, and knowing how the three seashells work. Top that off with all the stuff developed in just the past 100 years vs. the amount of progress we could be making in 5 times that length of time, and I feel like the future would be a lot rougher then the past.
In the past you could excuse a minor faux pas by saying you didn’t get off the farm much and maybe folks would just think you were a bit slow. Not being socialized in the present or future? Bit less reasonable.
You’ve got it. In 500 years we’ll never advanced so much and there will have been so much current exchange and drift I doubt you could be understood at all.
In the 1500s you could get by as a foreigner who barely understood the language. You’d have zero cultural norms so most language that wasn’t literal would be unintelligible.
Depends if the future is Star Trek type utopia or Terminator style post rise of the machines.
I wouldn’t make it with the Vikings man. I wouldn’t be outed as a time traveler but I would die
Is this like that “the 90s were 10 years ago” effect? The viking age was 1,000 years ago. More, really.
500 years ago the world had been circumnavigated
Oh fuck me I didn’t process the 500 year mark when writing this. In that case I’d probably just starve
Nah. You’d die of smallpox.
So 500 years ago would put me just ahead of the warring states in Japan. Aside from me not speaking fluently, I am very well versed in sword.
I think I come out okay.
I think you have the advantage there. Japan’s language and culture has been preserved better than many other civilizations.
500 years into the future. Far easier to adapt and hopefully the English dialect hasn’t changed severally or devolved into random internet jibberish.
Ancestors, since they’d be far more likely rationalise my bizarre present-day manner as being possessed by demons or something to that effect rather than assuming I’m from half a millennium in the future, I can’t say I have any specific guesses as to what the society of 2523 might look like, but I suspect that they’d be far more likely to jump to the somewhat improbable sci-fi explanation of time travel (or perhaps some other technological explanation like mind malware if brain implants become a thing) than assuming supernatural explanations of demons or witchcraft.
On the other hand, 500 years ago you would probably be taken for insane or possessed if you accidentally spoke and/or acted as people do today.
Back then that’s a high chance of getting burned on a stake or possibly lobotomized by some crude scholar experimenting on a perceived madman.
In comparison in the future, provided mankind still exists, you’d be taken as an interesting walking anachronism to be studied. Maybe someone who gets to talk about life in the past at a university. But either way you’d most likely live a comfortable life of futuristic luxury in either a utopian post scarcity society, or kept as some feudal dilettante’s status symbol. Still better than dying of dysentery in the dark ages imo