Hi there! Just another refugee rebelling over silly power trips.

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Were you around in 1989 when Exxon basically destroyed Prince William Sound with an iceberged oil tanker through a comically evil set of circumstances including a possibly drunken captain, faulty equipment which languished for months, promised equipment that was never installed, and a total lack of planning for contingency? They dumped like 11 million gallons of oil and were assigned massive punitive damages of 5 billion bucks?

    …and then it got appealed all the way to the supreme court, where it got busted down to 500 million spread over a time which actually allowed them to see profitability for causing one of the largest ecological disasters in history.

    I don’t mean to sound jaded, and I truly appreciate your optimism. But the deck is no less stacked thirty years later and our political system is still bought and paid for. Let’s roll the dice and hope you come out on top of this one, friend. I’ll cheer alongside you.

  • I think it would be uncharitable to describe the crux of your argument as pro-tip given what you’ve said so far. Honestly, I’m in the same boat as you, since I still tip in spite of my own feelings about how it’s affecting us because I’m powerless to change current doctrine.

    However, I would like to point out that your argument does come off as an appeal to Nirvana in my mind as it is essentially advocating we do nothing but maintain status quo because there’s no current perfect solution. I think we can both agree that if we all decided to cease tipping, this would not be an issue within a year (granted it would take untold amounts of human suffering in that short time). Of course, it also would work if we simply boycotted every establishment dependent on tips.

    But, again, both of these solutions are completely dependent on us stepping in to change conditions for restaurant employees on their behalf.

    To be fair, I’m somewhat in the weeds here. My primary opinion is that no one is entitled to a fanciful tip, and I’m not really here to destroy tipping culture. I’m just getting fatigued by ever increasing expectations.

  • Isn’t it though? If the only thing keeping that whole system running is my subsidy, which, to remind you, is intended to be a gratuity based on how I felt about the services (which people seem to forget is what the definition of a tip was supposed to be based on rules we agreed on as a society), then why not remove it and let the system topple?

    For what it’s worth, I worked deliveries for quite some time, and dealt with douchebag customers and muggings, etc. I never tip under 20 percent unless you do something to thoroughly piss me off. But posts like this are ridiculously entitled to money that I frankly don’t owe anyone based on social contract.

  • See, even this argument, while it makes sense in that I should utilize my money to further businesses I have moral agreement with, is another way to put the onus of paying a living wage to employees back onto me.

    I sympathize with everyone pulling down a working wage, but… When I need vacation time or cost of living increases or healthcare, or whatever… Are food service personnel expected to drop what they’re doing and join me on the picket line?

    The only solutions I can think of would be far more universal than me not visiting a certain taco bell or tipping 40 percent. There are billions of us. Maybe it’s time for a universal union or boycott brigade or something? Change needs to happen on a grand scale, not be argued about on Lemmy. But, we all have shit to do and it’s almost the weekend.