Drink some of that special pop… you know the kind, then tell her you are Elongated Man and show her what you can do… you’ll be fine. After that she won’t care how many subs you eat.
Drink some of that special pop… you know the kind, then tell her you are Elongated Man and show her what you can do… you’ll be fine. After that she won’t care how many subs you eat.
If you can get an Onyx Boox tablet used by a first adopter that it wasn’t right for, it has the best of all worlds. Open, Android, EInk, large screen, and can be used to bang out content and read email. Other than that I would just get a downmarket but new Android Tablet and use it as a dedicated eBook and audio book/podcast device. The screen isn’t ideal but you can get a stock android tablet for $150 bucks us and use Caliber on it along with all the typical android stuff. Hell you might even be able to get a Linux tablet that would fit your needs but cost a little more. But if you go tablet the devices tend to be a bit more open to sideloading.
CLICKBAIT the theory goes “if given an infinite amount of time, a monkey pressing keys on a typewriter would eventually write the complete works of William Shakespeare.” and then they say that would take longer than the universe would exist. SEE THE ORIGINAL QUOTE… INFINITE TIME. Also that is if it went through every combination. Due to Random Chance it could happen the 3rd try of you doing it.
This is a nothing burger of a story about some mathematicians that crunched some of the numbers involved and didn’t like what they saw.
Awww, Muffin.
All you have to know is that when Twitch banned Gambling Streams, and some of the people who made bank on those streams started to complain about Twitch, a couple of guys behind large gambling sites decided to open their own streaming platform called “Kick” that gives a much better cut of advertising and allowed gambling streams, and got allot of bottom of the barrel (but not all of them) streamers, especially the ones who have been banned off of other services but were popular.
Supposedly they have been getting better with their enforcement, and started getting better detection, but then their is all the stuff that comes with gambling too.
You know when the streaming platform that is known for gambling and being the last refuge of streamers and D-List Celebs, along with a few people who don’t care about anything but the higher cut, has more class than you, even if it was scripted, or worse it was him paying her off because she was poor and homeless.
3 day ban? I am sorry that should read 3 year ban.
It is one of its co-founders offering so it isn’t 100% clear either way where it is coming from.
The thing is this hasn’t stopped them in the past.
Being found in a Walk In Oven dead and CLOSING THE WALMART while investigating makes me thing something not so good went on.
But is it more different than many types of beers and ales that are alcoholic?
Discord was based off of Slack and Microsoft Teams is a trash knockoff. All depends what you intend to use it for.
Yes, That is why it is also called Ginger Beer and Root Beer is also called Wintergreen Ale
Marques Brownlee: “Don’t pay for what something will be, pay for what it is now” and “I don’t review what will be, but what a product is now”
Also Marques Brownlee: “Pay the subscription fee now for the unnamed unspecified features this will have other than just wallpapers now to fund future development”
Who knew the next company he would “kill” would be his own. The only way to find his app on Android is to use the link from his site because of the generic name.
BTW Wallpaper Engine, which has an android app, is currently $5 Canadian, and I am told with Proton can also work on Linux PC’s and has an huge amount of modifiable wallpapers.
Yeah, but for those on a budget that subscription is a pain point. So long as you can afford it easy it is good because you are no longer the product, but that will keep allot of people at bay.
Startpage is good, anonymized, and respects privacy. You will encounter ads and cards, but they can be blocked. Fully usable and functional with or without an account. It is also themeable with a dark mode. Results are pulled from Google, but DDG’s results were pulled from Bing and anonymized.
Since I started using it I raaaaarely open Google’s search.
Food is food. Do what you want to do to your food because you are eating it. Other people aren’t eating it so they don’t get a say. If most people saw what the original pizzas were they wouldn’t recognize them and some wouldn’t like them, including modern Italians.
Tabasco, in my opinion, is just like eating a pizza with peppers or a bunch of pepper flakes on it, or as I sometimes do, ground cayenne pepper.
Actually my 54th Birthday is comming up in a couple of months. Good job but sooo close.
I am younger than Woodstock and “The Summer of Love” but older than Disco.
I find that people who come from the old days of linux will often respond “you have to use terminal”, or “learn the operating system”, or even balk at people saying you can just use the GUI Interface/Desktop Environments. And then when you get help from expirienced users you get allot of terminal commands, which makes people think “I can’t use Linux without learning the terminal first”. In actuality it is just easier to show a person a command and ask for the results than it is to walk a person through getting the same info otherwise.
“OK, which Desktop Environment are you using?”.
“Desktop what?”.
“Which version of OS did you download and install?”.
“X or Wayland?”.
“What’s a Wayland?”.
“OK, X. Is your system up to date and which kernel are you running?”.
…and so on. It is faster to just help working in the terminal. The Desktop Environments are fairly far along and most that I have worked with you could get by completely in the Desktop and not touch the terminal.
I would suggest Linux Mint, but for now I would stick to the non latest version of 21.3 as they bit off ALLOT in 22 and while it works for allot of people there are driver bugs they inherited from Ubuntu and have not implemented the fix for yet and allot of other pains in the toukus so if you want a version with the minimum of troubleshooting and stable Desktop Environments I would stick to 21.3 (If I had any sense I would be switching back to it from 22 myself).
If you want another option it would be Ubuntu and its Different Desktop ‘Spins’ to see which you like the most. Some people prefer to start off on Fedora and I am told it has a good DE, or some people recommend PopOS which had its own spin on a DE but they have let development lag on it as they developed their Cosmic Desktop for the Wayland project (the project that is superseding the X.org project for making windows).
Which ever you choose, good luck. I am in the same boat and I am trying to learn what I can before it is too late.
As long as they use “Leader of the Free World” for their President without giving me a vote and the fact that American Policy is also very influential in my Country means that I don’t have a vote but I sure as hell have an opinion, and a more educated one than many Americans. I follow American Politics and Policy daily.
Who said anything about a low res backlit screen? And if you read monitors and screens all day, it may be an issue, but with dark mode reading it is fine. The devices I am talking about have about twice the PPI as a 22/24 inch 1080p monitor. There are cheap e-readers that have atrocious resolutions but the tablets I am talking about are fine, but not as good as EInk.