Just your normal everyday submarine, passing by your canoe very close to shore in what appears to be a lake.
Recreational submariners ruining our romantic canoe rides.
So my dad wasn’t lying about watching the submarine races?
Not even sure if context would help
I got rather curious and Googled it.
“The Human Metal-Eater!”: After Jimmy is bitten by a Metal-Eater in the Fortress of Solitude, he gains the power to eat and digest metal for 48 hours.
The crooks use Jimmy Olsen’s Signal Watch to trap Superman and Krypto in a submarine with the kryptonite; but Jimmy saves the day by eating the kryptonite, with a little lead on the side.
It doesn’t help that much, no. He’s gonna eat the whole sub, starting from the periscope…?
He’s working the shaft.
Always tiring doing shaftwork
wait, kryptonite is a metal ? I always thought it’s a mineral
As I understand that it mineral is a term for all inorganic terms found in the Earth and metal is a specific one.
But idk if is a “metal” per se. Perhaps there’s comics where someone makes like a blade out of it idk.
Call a mineralogigilisist.
Thanks, as i did yen to know
Jimmy Olsen loves to munch on something that’s long, hard and full of seamen?
Bonus panel:
That’s what I have written over my BSDM closet too. “Roguetrick’s Souvenirs”
Maybe he’s pregnant
Yen is a yearning.
Thank you. I have a sudden len of this word.
You are now prepared to use it in crosswords, where it comes up almost once a week!
What a sad, strange, little world! Can’t wait!
I’ve got a yen for the seashore
What does she have to complain? He even got fancy-dressed for this periscope lunch
Drink some of that special pop… you know the kind, then tell her you are Elongated Man and show her what you can do… you’ll be fine. After that she won’t care how many subs you eat.