That’s not how lotteries work.
That’s not how lotteries work.
“Soviets allied with Nazis on the Eastern Front” was very much a real thing.
And the parts that the USSR invaded are part of modern day Ukraine. Ukrainians literally fought a Soviet/Nazi invasion in WWII.
Nice try Chris. You can’t puff up a substandard product without admitting you’ve done such a bad job at so many aspects of this scam that you’ve had to redo, like, all of it
Note: I do not blame you, you are raking in mucho bucks with no end in sight to the gravy train. Keep chugging!
Hard to call it “effort” when they’ve been in an alpha state for a decade.
With consent it can be nearly anything
I mean, yeah, killing every dead-weight Republican would result in a dramatically better society, but there are ethical reasons why we don’t just execute all the shit-for-brains right wingers.
Just tell them they have to accept whatever weird thing you consider currency!
See if they will accept barter, and you can pay them in potatoes, or turnips, or carrots. If you buy them in a state that doesn’t tax groceries you’ll only have to pay for cost of transport to wherever the student loan place accepts vegetables!
I’ll take 8% inflation for life versus 8% deflation for life.
The 14-year old keyboard kommunists don’t have any answers at all.
If Marx was alive today he’d likely admit that the theories of communism are fundamentally flawed and simply do not work. He made some valid points over a hundred years ago, but circumstances have changed far to dramatically for communism to have any success at all.
Socialism is building powerful steam though, which is promising. And it actually works.
Yeah, like the guy with a $3,000 suit is gonna open a drawer
I apologize, but your comments started stuoid and the devolved into ignorant nonsense, and thus poor other fella keeps engaging you like you’re capable of honest debate.
Education has never been about being more interesting than games or entertainment, and you sound like a nitwit for even suggesting it. Teachers are tasked with educating, and the #1 preventable reason for kids falling behind isn’t “entertain me more!” . . . it’s shit parenting and upbringing.
Kids lack impulse control worse than anyone – taking away cell phones is an absolute no-brainer.
A military not doing something to save civilians from war crimes is improper, not what you’re implying.
“Based on a true story”
This is the most illogical and flat-out wring thing I’ve seen in a while.
That’s damn impressive, in its own stupid way.
All the other majoe manufacturers sell way more vehicles than Tesla, and are rapidly pivoting to the electric market. Tesla is pretty fucked.
So inflation is Russia’s fault.
We just need to let NATO turbo-fuck Russia and make it a vassal state. It’s a failed state as-is and a constant irritant.
Sure buddy. NATO was responsible for countries wanting to join NATO to forestall Russian invasions.
NATO was also responsible for all of Russia’s other post-USSR invasions, I bet.
Life must be interesting when you don’t understand history or politics.
You always need corroborating evidence to convict based solely on a confession. Does not have to be much, but uiu need some extra fact tying the person to the crime.
Why are you using facts with people this entitled and delusional? You think it will help?
It won’t . . .