I guess it’s a good thing I am switching to Linux.
I guess it’s a good thing I am switching to Linux.
I think the point is more that they are changing it to appease the great big orange convicted criminal who is currently gutting our government and destroying affirmative action in the name of “efficiency” with a literal Nazi at the helm of that effort.
But hey, it’s only a nationally televised sporting event so who cares. 😒
Fuck the NFL. I honestly hope people torch the Superbowl over this and FuckwADUS attending like Nero in the colosseum.
What a shock, the meme car only sold a few units before people were over it. LoL 😂
Why is the media playing along with this ?
Have you not noticed who owns the media?
This is not the way to do that. This is a way to get rid of your best people because, as the United States government is about to find out, when you offer a voluntary exit to people with a severance package the ones who know they have ability and are competent will take that package and leave and get better jobs. And the ones that know they suck or are too lazy are going to stay. There’s actually a list somewhere of companies that have done this and have gone under because of it.
I’d be careful about that. Walmart in particular is getting nasty about theft. Even in making a mistake at the self checkout they’ve ruined people’s lives.
All it needs is a couple of opportunistic fuckers to take advantage of chaos and that shit will plummet like a fucking rock.
That’s beginning to wane. The fewer major posters there are, the fewer people will look to the site for information. And the fewer people on there looking for info…etc.
Those replies are why they are leaving. And good riddance to such a godawful platform.
no major company is even making Blu-Ray players anymore
Uh, yes they are. What are you smoking? They even still make DVD’s and straight DVD players. They even still make VCR’s.
This is a war that was fought by broadcast TV and the makers of videotapes, DVDs, and blu-rays. In every case the Corpos failed. So no, this arms race is and will be won by the ad blockers.
Firefox + Ublock Origin
This right here. No longer using chromium-based browsers is a really good start.
Tell you the truth, once upon a time I really didn’t mind the ads. In fact I was quite happy to support the creators that I like with watching the ads that appeared on their videos. But then YouTube started getting smarmy by blocking my suggestions because I didn’t use history on my account. And then there’s the problem of the ads getting longer. At which point I got fed up and downloaded the adblock software to stop seeing this garbage. And then this little war broke out over ads on the platform.
Quite frankly, so long as the people who make the software to block ads continue to do that kind of work I will continue to download their software and make Google spend boatloads of their own money to try to block the blockers. Because the blockers aren’t going anywhere. Not to mention that the blockers were not quite as popular before Google started this little campaign. And now they have made people so hyper aware of the fact that they can actually go out and find some way to skip these stupid ads that they’ve basically dug their own grave. Broadcast TV spent decades on this failed quest.
At some point we need to adopt some fucking privacy laws.
Yeah we absolutely had to ban TilTok because of privacy concerns but the idea of creating a law to protect our privacy is ridiculous beyond all reasoning. The stupidity of the United States government is absolute.
Not that I’m any fan of Apple but this is obesience, literally all the big tech companies are lining up to kiss the ring. Trump is a vindictive small-minded asshole and he’s going to have more power than any other person in the country and they all want to be on his good side.
The social safety nets were a result of far left government policies. Read a history book sometime.
That 13% would also be people who would openly admit to supporting his actions. There are a lot of people who condemn his actions publicly but in their own minds…?
What kind of world have we come into where Hacker News is a pro corporation website?
Hackers used to be the antithesis of big corporations and capitalist overreach.
I made my Smart TV into a dumb TV by never activating the smart TV functions. And then I plugged a relatively cheap computer into it. So I don’t have this kind of problem.