Thank you!!
Thank you!!
I’m not vegetarian, but that sounds delicious! How did you make it? I’m always looking for easy meal ideas, and I’ve come to decide that meatless meals are so much easier than meat meals.
Thanks. Talking about this stuff has been getting me weird looks from other people. Modern civilization is so ingrained that people haven’t thought to recognize the water they’re swimming in, and forget that the lifestyle we have today is less than 200 years old, and that’s it’s all escalating in an unsustainable way….
I had the realization last night as I was struggling to do the dishes and fold my laundry that it is evolutionarily unnatural for humans to have so much stuff to take care of. Like, we spent most of our existence as humans living in highly mobile bands with the bare necessities for survival plus ceremonial items.
It’s no wonder that I don’t want to spend time thinking about what I’m going to wear every morning and that I’m happy to wear the same comfortable outfit every day. Most humans in history had like a single outfit with optional modifications for weather and ceremony.
It’s no wonder that I get overwhelmed with a ton of food in my fridge and that most of it ends up going bad because I can’t eat it all. I’m supposed to be cooking what’s immediately available and sharing that food with my band members so there are no leftovers.
It’s no wonder that I don’t want to scrub toilets or vacuum. My brain evolved to have a one or two room tent or wooden structure to maintain.
It’s no wonder that I don’t want to sit in a box all day and stare at a box that has shapes and colors on it, looking for meaning. I would rather listen to my friends tell stories and spend my days fixing a few tools as needed and finding food. I want to find meaning in relationships, in other people, not in screens and complex organizations.
I could go on.
You raise an excellent point, and it honestly makes me think of Tyson Yunkaporta’s perspective on the actual historical purpose of free public elementary education: to retrain the human mind toward total obedience to the state. In order to mold a person into obedience, you have to take away their sense of agency, their ability to think for themselves, and their creativity. Children increase their understanding of the world and express their creativity through play, which includes pretending to be elements of the world such as animals. In removing the natural ability to be creative through play, you wrangle tighter control over how they think.
So I’m not saying the creators of this bill are actively intending to further force ingrained obedience in American servants citizens, but I’m also not saying that they’re totally unaware of the possibilities.
Just got three of mine updated. I just don’t understand the anti-vaccine sentiment from parents were have been vaccinated their entire lives and have no adverse effects.
Like. The critical thinking is in the negative.
Yeah, our civilization deserves to fall.
I am interested in the relationship between stupid people and narcissistic people. Narcissism hurts both society and that individual, as well.
I’m in the process of switching to Proton too. I just opened the account; haven’t taken additional steps of switching login emails associated with all of my other accounts, yet. I’ll probably start with giving the new account to local grassroots organizations, first.
I’d like to learn more about what people have to say too!
College adjunct instructor checking in:
Your teacher is human. They are there because they want to help you get the information that you need to be a successful person as an individual and in society. They see the class packing up early and it really stings because they care about you and their subject’s impact on the world.
If you don’t want to be an educated member of a democracy, just save yourself the student loan bills and don’t come in the first place.
This was a fascinating read! I am obsessed with both history and perfume. Thank you!
Great. Let’s microwave human dissenters, especially the physically disabled.
And let’s test this previously-unknown weapon on helpless mice and monkeys; that’s how we KNOW we’re morally correct in building the weapon!