It shouldn’t take quite that long.
unfortunately yes
I don’t want to see this human’s face again.
Oh but for some reason Floridaman is okay?
Yes it led to the first TB treatments or something didn’t it? I completely can’t remember, does it also have a link to the development of antidepressants? Somebody help me out, my undergraduate degree was a long time ago now.
Edit: oh yeah, it’s a MAOI, you literally wrote that in your post.
And somehow he’ll keep making money.
Never trust a woman having a hard time getting pregnant is a bit harsh, isn’t it?
Hogfather as in the Discworld novel? I could have sworn that was older than Harry Potter.
Edit: it is, but surprisingly only one year older than the first Harry Potter book.
I just did a poo.
Well, you’ve clearly made your mind up.
I’m not sure about the ownership of foundations, charitable funds and the like; some degree of corruption wouldn’t surprise me unfortunately.
I will say that she won’t have been deliberately pushing class-stratification given her socioeconomic background, however the whole setting is heavily influenced by Victorian-era children’s novels about boarding school adventures which were absolutely saturated with classism.
They surely needed a team of editors towards the end.
JK Rowling holds a very common position amongst older feminists and really doesn’t deserve the constant rape threats for funding women’s refuges. I’m pushing back on the party line here, and no, I don’t believe trans people deserve to be killed, or any bullshit like that. I promise to hide them in my non-existent attic if it comes to that.
Edit: the books did get progressively worse after the third or possibly fourth one, though, and the films aren’t very good.
I just tried Google Gemini and it would not stop making shit up, it was really disappointing.
Only 1k, I see.
I just bought some local honey. Don’t know what this shit is, hopefully I never will.
famous potatoes
Your shed is easily the size of my entire flat.