The problem with cable was it was not on demand and contained ads.
I would never, ever pay for cable even in today’s world if it was $10 a month because of the overwhelming amount of ads.
The problem with cable was it was not on demand and contained ads.
I would never, ever pay for cable even in today’s world if it was $10 a month because of the overwhelming amount of ads.
I will say that I’m also vegan and don’t agree with the approach they made. On high moral shaming doesn’t get us anywhere. My mom constantly telling me to clean my room did not make me a tidy person as an adult.
We need understanding, conversation, and education otherwise it’s just a pissy exchange like this and no one is better from it.
I would never be foolish enough to say that nutrition isn’t important, but most people who are becoming frail in the western world are doing so because they lack exercise, not sources of protein.
Fancy processed meat replacements are insanely expensive. Vegan diets? Man that’s the cheapest shit there is. Most of the world lives off a similar diet due to poverty.
They were literally asked how many he eats. What should they have done, just ignore the question?
A little advice: You’re not going to gain any ground with him by saying what he eats isn’t food. Try a more understanding approach. That said, I think history is going to side with your son.
I’m pretty sure that’s the joke they’re making.
It doesn’t match up with my personal experience, but it’s the common view.
It’s been 6 years for me, but at my peak I used to eat 2 every morning for breakfast.
At one point I looked at all the eggs and chicken breast I was eating by being “healthy” and realized it was not in any way rational or sustainable. How could one person (myself) be responsible for the death of one chicken and two chicks PER DAY! I imagined what it would look like to stuff all those birds into my living room and how there’s no way I could farm something on that scale myself (or want to).
So I switched to a vegan diet and never went back. My personal morals tell me I shouldn’t eat animal products, but for the average person who doesn’t agree I can understand why consumption is through the roof. This separation we have of living creatures into commodities, all behind a legally protected black curtain.
When all that’s talked about is how much per dozen, your mind never really stops to think about the rest.
I haven’t tried, but I wouldn’t recommend it. It was years ago that I set it up, but I belive it wanted an app. I would stick with one designed for local only.
Instead they did the opposite and gave him the biggest bonus in world history.
I have an EcoBee thermostat which is typically web managed, however it also supports HomeKit. Using the homekit plugin for HomeAssistant I now get best of both worlds.
If I were to do it again I might consider a Z-Wave or ZigBee thermostat, but living in a cold climate I really appreciate knowing that if for some reason my home auto fails there is a backup service to alert me, or vice versa.
Please just give us self hosting nerds SR-IOV on affordable cards. I really want to have a Linux VM and Windows VM that both have access to a GPU simultaneously.
I was hoping Intel would let some of these enterprise locked features trickle down as a value add, but no dice. Every year AMD just undercuts NVIDIA by a small amount, but it doesn’t compete on some of that tech NVIDIA has so it’s a wash.
But they’re too concerned it would eat into their enterprise cards where they make boatloads, so it’s not going to happen. Imagine if consumer CPUs didn’t support virtualization, it would be insane and that’s where we are with GPUs today.
I believed him at first, why wouldn’t I? Self driving was starting to take shape, the demos looked good, I assumed what he was saying was legitimate.
I remember starting to question things around the time of the Tesla Semi reveal. It didn’t make sense to me that you’d use heavy, short range batteries in an industry that runs by driving as far as possible, for as cheap as possible, hauling as much as possible. There were just too many compromises and he didn’t give any details other than acceleration (who cares in trucking).
After that I started looking into him more and realized his bullshit spread through everything he touched. I honestly think most people are simply not paying attention to him, they just read headlines and since headlines never call him out and only amp up the crazy ambitious things he says, people believe he’s a genius.
That seems to be slowly changing as he opens his stupid mouth about politics, but he’s pivoting to a new audience now.
I’m very sure that it’s the wrong approach, but Danielle is in it for herself and she’s decided to lick Trump’s boots.
OK, so I followed up on this idea and I’m not sure how viable it is. The chip is very small, but the antenna is quite often traced quite far across the card. The layout depends on the card, but might be more of a pain than it’s worth.
I mean, this is really janky, but you can probably get a second credit card and just cut it down. The NFC area on a credit card is quite small compared to the card itself. I doubt anyone would question it if you were tapping “something” on your wrist to a terminal as people are now used to smartwatch payments.
You hear sayings like “family is everything” all throughout your life, but it’s only partially true. There is an unspoken assumption that there is love within the family and to not let little things pull you apart.
That is not what you have here. He does not care about you in the way you do about him. As another commenter said, trying to have him live up to an ideal you have in your head will never work. He’s a square peg that you are trying to put into a round hole and every time you do it hurts and causes you emotional distress. He doesn’t feel that. It’s asymmetric.
So you have to ask yourself why you are holding on to him as a father if he is not willing to be one. It’s unfortunate but you may have to accept the reality that you don’t have one.
Yes. This is also something you could have googled in the time it took to comment.
Ahh, but see you’re been following this over several months/years, or looked up what actually happened. You’re not the target for this dupe.
This tactic works incredibly well as you’ll find you are outside the norm. I still remember people ranting about how Obama was late responding to Hurricane Katrina.
Welcome to Politics 2.0 where the information is freely available but the facts don’t matter.
Sure commercial eggs aren’t, but they’re supposed to be. Egg laying takes a toll on the hens and the conditions they’re kept in are deplorable.
Still, thank you for adding clarification. Education is never bad.