I KNOW he can get the job. But can he DO the job?
I’m not arguing that with you!
I KNOW he can get the job. But can he DO the job?
I’m not arguing that with you!
If you are considering either sleeping beat dunes or pictured rocks I would suggest taking the MI route instead of Wisconsin. Less traffic through Chicago and Milwaukee. The drive up the coast on US131 or US31 follows Lake Michigan the whole way and has beautiful scenery.
Ideally I’d just be able to pay you.
There were several places in the media that had stories of landing on the moon as a real possibility. Almost a forgone conclusion.
This is the problem with people that think in terms of being “management”. Management will always have an adversarial relationship with everyone else in an organization simply because they think they have to. The longer they stay in those positions the worse it gets.
Alzire Maheu in Germinal. Thinking on it now maybe that’s one of the reasons I’m pro union