Like we needed another reason not to buy tesla
Like we needed another reason not to buy tesla
Did they drove off in a Tesla ? (asking for a friend)
I’m stunned … again !! … I have visited Auschwitz and it’s impressive beyond words. At the entrance of the former gas chambers there is a sign asking to respect and remember those who died in there and keep silent in the chambers. Everyone did except for Israeli students. That is what brought the tears to my eyes. Betrayed and disrespected again, this time by their own.
Spoken as a true master of evil justice let’s follow your track !!
Those usually are the worst. I still remember the 90’s a (very) religious guy brings in his VCR… “Yesterday after church I was going to watch a bit of TV but the tape got stuck” We fixed it and watched a bit. I wasn’t that blue, but it was some serious porn. Around the same time a friend worked at mail distribution, Most copies of playboy went to the bible belt.
They used to burn witches too… just saying
Genesis - The longs
well, not for all of you, but there are a couple of loony’s out there (if you need proof of that: i’m here)
Never started buying from amazon. The stories on Reddit where enough to turn way. I admit having searched the site now and then, but you get the same prices elsewhere, Especially in Europe there is no need for them.
wait…WHAT??? it doesn’t sound unlikely (tesla can be disabled remotely by tesla), but why would you buy it in such case? That’s why I voted the piracy party a couple of times. Not because I fully agree, but just to get people with at least some IT knowledge in
Welcome back to sanity
As should europe. Clearly you can’t trust the USA anymore. What is the long-term prospect for spare parts?
go big or go home : 100%
wait… He made i big point out of cutting billions from the government agencys during the election, you choose to support him and nou you look surprised you’ve lost your federal job?
I get why the USA doesn’t see Melania anywhere … If I’d say half the things he said, my wife would not show herself to anyone either. If i’d say all of it she’d be gone far far far away long before i finished babbling
OMG !!! Ass did not change into a** !! THANK YOU lemmy.world
I’m too afraid the orange will wear off on my ass so I’ll be shitting in the woods.
Too late. That wasn’t a typo, Terms are going downhill from here. I’m gone.
I thought only deceased people with a positive influence on society could end up on money. The latter requirement will never happen, and the way he acts many will think it’s about time the met the first requirment.
If you don’t like the rules, change them of leave the game. But do not break the rules. Do not become like him.