And by “news” we mean “whatever dumb shit an ‘influencer’ has come up with today to move clicks.”
when I was that age, I didn’t even have a favorite news source. I just didn’t care about news at all, only video games. of course I wouldn’t look for “cool” stuff in the newspapers, even then.
One of the first interactions I had with tiktok was when a woman went viral for doing a dance video with some pop song and had text running along the screen about the death of her abusive husband. It was so weird seeing this grown woman do a kids dance to some Kpop song while text is detailing who he beat her. All put on public display forever.
Social media does weird things to people’s brains man.
Chairman Pooh must be pleased that his propagandists now have unfettered access to the worlds largest repository of “Five Nights at Freddy’s” knowledge.
I’m not sure how informed any 13 year old is, so this doesn’t concern me - what concerns me is that most 12-15 year olds are just putting in massive hours on this nonsense. My partner’s 13 yr old spends, no exaggeration, 8 hours/day on TikTok. If not more. I just started looking at access time on my pi-hole and router out of curiosity and it is disturbing. He is not an outlier.
39% use some form of the BBC compared to 28% using TikTok.
The study found that for children aged 12-15, TikTok is now the most used single source of news across all platforms at 28%, followed by YouTube and Instagram at 25% each. However, the BBC still has the highest reach of any news organisation among this age group when all its news outlets – across BBC iPlayer, radio stations, websites and TV channels – are counted, at 39%.
That’s something of a relief, but 28% is still more than enough to be concerning.
Only if it’s their only source of news, and even this clickbait article doesn’t attempt to claim that.
What’s more likely is social media is the first place they hear of something, then they go to an actual news organization for details.
Which is ironic because so many (presumably) adults in this thread just read a headline on social media and then believed it instead of taking two seconds to read the article that’s a click away.
I mean, it’s no worse than getting your news from Facebook.
Honestly my concern is moreso what this means for how much exposure kids have to this social media. This is really concerning, they shouldn’t be on any social media for this long.
Aaaand now I feel like a boomer complaining about phones. For their sakes, I hope I’m just out of touch.
Most popular fake news source. Dude a generation of dummies to come.
Sadly, that is the worst platfom to look for anything. It’s mostly just a bunch of freaks seeking validation.
Do you expect 12-15 year olds to read the newspaper? Chances are you get your own news from social media. I don’t give a single fuck if a 13 year old even keeps up with the news. In fact, I’d prefer they didn’t.
12-15 year olds might not know what a newspaper is.
Is the newspaper any better anyways? It’s full of bias / lies manipulative crap too.
When thousands of 1-3 minute videos are being presented every hour of scrolling it is especailly hard to fact check information.
Is there any unbiased high quality news source anyways?
The Guardian and the Economist is what I hear recommended
Had a feeling.
You should read the article then.
Because the headline and your feeling are wrong.