Musk is doing more to make people realize how garbage capitalism is than Marx ever could.
Accelerationism in a nutshell
I have no idea what you are talking about because Lemmy, now all of a sudden, is refusing to show me context.
Your comment on Musk
Yeah… that’s not how accelerationsim works. Accelerationsim would require our active participation in order to make things worse… but we don’t actually have the power to do so.
I want to thank Facebook for making it blatantly obvious to us that we should never get any brain implants. They’ll definitely use them to read your thoughts and push ads straight into your consciousness. Oh, and you’ll probably have to pay a subscription.
Your tinnitus will get progressively louder until you pay your bill
Hello Satan. I didn’t realize you use Lemmy.
I’m not putting anything in me that’s not foss. I worry for the tech illiterate though when they eventually adopt this idea.
I agree, I love the idea of a brain chip, but not if someone can change licensing terms on something that’s INSTALLED in me.
Dude, look at the current support for audio drivers. Do you really want to deal with that for your ears?
Just kidding I don’t know anything about audio drivers 😂
What’s wrong? It’s time to repair your brain’s Pulseaudio configuration after an update!
Are you going to be that picky when they’re fitting you with a pacemaker?
I agree if it’s just something for fun though, although personally I’d err on the side of not putting anything in me at all thanks very much. I’m quite happy with my tech on the outside where it belongs.
Neuralink is an excellent advancement for brain science and it is greatly going to help disabled people and those with little function left over their bodies. It’s okay to celebrate this technology while also hating musk.
Like SpaceX, they’ve both been excellent ventures that he so far hasn’t ruined (probably thanks to the people he delegates to). Just because it’s fashionable to hate him for how he’s absolutely fucked over Twitter (which i’ll remind everyone we’ve always hated and agreed is bad, use Mastodon instead) doesn’t mean his other companies largely spearheaded by others, and their results, are also bad.
That’s not even to mention that the kind of dystopian technology people are imagining isn’t anywhere close to what the Neuralink device is actually capable of. What everyones fearmongering over is still just science fiction. It’s just barely able to interpret brain signals, it’s not as powerful as everyone makes it out to be.
2nd edit: forgot what instance I’m on, this comment probably ain’t going to do well lol
That’s not even to mention that the kind of dystopian technology people are imagining isn’t anywhere close to what the Neuralink device is actually capable of.
Yet. They’ll get to work on that just as soon as they can, don’t you worry!
The brain science and neurology advancements that would be required to get to such a point would be absolute mind-blowing breakthroughs in medical science and would completely change the world as we know it. The mental/personality disorders we could now understand and solve would make me so hopeful for humanity and the upbringing of welfare for everyone. This would without question be a good thing.
Yes and at one time sickness was caused by the devil, then germs were found. One day it’ll probably happen. Idk if we’ll be alive or not by then but time will tell, exponential growth in tech and all.
Almost everything can be good or bad. A.I could save us all, or it could go skynet. Nanobots could be great for surgery, but also great for grey goop. Hell, something as simple as guns, it depends on who is using it and why, and brain implants are a pretty big figurative gun. They could be the savior of humanity, or they could be the device which finally enslaves it in near totality, it’s definitly something to consider.
I’m pretty sure being able to continuously observe with such a device how the brain works will speed up research in the field.
Also, whether this is a good thing is very questionable. I expect that in the future these devices will contribute a lot to being able to manipulate any users emitions and thoughts in any way, without them noticing or being able to fight against it. First by giving more insight on a person’s way of thinking to data brokers, more efficient targeted advertisements and news can be fed to them, and later by directly manipulating how the brain works.
The big issue I have with brain chips is longevity. How long until the electrodes degrade? When will the chips fail? Once they fail, will it be fail safe or fail deadly? Also, what will be the power source? Will it use inductive power, or battery power? They are both awful options. What if the chip overheats? The implementation is the real question here, but neuralink refuse to give any answers because it proprietary.
All very good questions. The only one I think I can answer is that I think it was inductively charged but I forget what the pigs had on them. It may have been an external battery pack. The implant itself is definitely not external accessible.
We could probably look at existing BMI devices to get our answer, I’m sure it’s even less pretty.
I kind of agree. While I think they are not that bad as far as advancements go, most of it is shitstained by Musk, who has to be seen at all cost and have to be seen as the ultimate inventor of everything.
He wants to be seen, stay relevant, and be the boss of everything, that he usually makes dumb decisions, which is a stain on a company mostly relying on a foundation of very intelligent people.
I agree with your assessment except saying that SpaceX’s advancements are “not that bad” is a massive understatement. They’ve completely disrupted and forever changed the space launch industry, with the help of government subsidies.
Everyone also forgets how Starlink is serving remote indigenous communities and scared the pants off shitty dominant ISPs that have been screwing rural communities over since forever.
I’ll re-emphasize my point that I think the results of some large companies, which comprises the efforts of many many smart people, can have facets of it be considered overwhelmingly good.
Edit: some more words
Whenever I hear someone unironically use the term “disrupted” I just know I’m going to be hearing some capitalist parasite being glorified for doing something expensive that a government did much cheaper half a century ago.
Space launches were “much cheaper” a half a century ago? You don’t really follow any space news whatsoever do you? That’s patently false.
No, the entire space exploration attempt was much cheaper half a century ago - neither the US nor Soviet space programs wasted labor or resources enriching billionaire parasites. There is absolutely nothing that can be performed by parasites such as Musk or Bezos that cannot be done far better, more efficiently and more effectively through public means.
Can you provide a source showing space exploration was “much cheaper” half a century ago than SpaceX’s current costs to getting payloads into orbit? It sounds like you’re just assuming it would be cheaper from your idealogical leanings than that actually being the case.
A half a century ago the US and USSR were devoting a significant fraction of their entre GDP in the space race to blast people into space on some of the largest rockets ever built, mostly for national security and military concerns And that’s not even to speak of the “safety standards” they had and ignored in order to win.
The later shuttle program itself was a massive MASSIVE expenditure and no one in their right mind would EVER say it was an efficient and cheaper per kg in LEO.
You’re just straight up wrong.
Yeah, hold on… let me compare the costs of enriching a billionaire parasite piggybacking off publicly-funded programs that developed all the technology said billionaire parasite is piggybacking off with said publicly-funded programs.
No, Clyde, it was cheaper - because we actually got results other than merely enriching a billionaire parasite.
Your brain has been so addled with “free market” fairy tales that you might just as well believe a glass slipper will magically turn you into royalty. There is absolutely nothing parasites like Musk can do that we couldn’t do far, far better, much more efficiently and far cheaper through public means - and that’s it.
There comes the time you have to root your own brain and install CyanogenMod 23.0 “BrainIac” on it, maybe “TorView” and “OpenMath” too. I recommend “FreeTaste 2.0” as an addon.
Imagine how high stakes it is to avoid bricking your brain.
Not your brain but rather a tiny little chip inside your brain, still would be a rather difficult task (that’s an understatement) to unbrick or replace it though. Unless they put a debug Port accessible from the outside you would need surgery if you needed to JTAG to unbrick it (probably would need it anyway since if they go this route they probably won’t let you access the pins you need to from the outside).
FreeTaste 2.0
Imagine someone infecting a user’s implant with a script that makes everything you eat/drink taste like leftover Jägermeister in a cup from a week ago
That would be LineageOS now. but yes, definitely root the hell out of your brain implant!
Edit: spelling.
Sure, you can root your brain and install a custom firmware on it, but your eyes won’t work unless you install the proprietary Google-Netflix-Microsoft-MPAA DRM blobs.
You mean the FDA approved of lobotomizing a select few of desperate people to satiate the narcissistic impulses of its founder. Anyone else wanna take a ride in this plastic submarine???
Uh, it’s a “submersible” and it’s not plastic, it’s throwaway expired carbon fiber from Boeing…
On one hand I’m excited for what the tech can do for medical purposes and future applications… On the other hand I’m terrified on what governments and corporations have in mind for it, cause I guarantee it will not be good
Looking forward to the eventual open source/Linux version of this lol.
My brain runs Arch BTW
mfw I try to install arch linux to my brain and fucking die after it bricks itself
Watch red hat make it to where your brain is more inclined to want to wear an actual red hat lol
I mean, are you going to trust proprietary hardware anywhere near your brain anyway?
I just downloaded my calculus patch.
A long time ago I read some cyberpunk novel, and one of the characters had an ocular implant that got infected with malware that flashed spam ads for Indian brothels in his vision 24/7, even with his eyes closed, until he went completely postal.
Snow Crash, by Neal Stephenson
Edit: oh heck. It might have been The Diamond Age.
Edit 2: search yielded
“Bud knew a guy like that who’d somehow gotten infected with a meme that ran advertisements for roach motels, in Hindi, superimposed on the bottom right-hand corner of his visual field, twenty-four hours a day, until the guy whacked himself.” --Neal Stephenson, The Diamond Age
They touched on this concept in the black mirror episode “Fifteen Million Merits”. Very minor spoilers, read on if you dare
Not with a brain implant per se. But had to pay merits or else watch porn ads. And if you don’t have any merits, guess what they’re unskippable.
and 3 years later they’ll end the support.
A good argument for open source
I love my FLOSS penis
So, soft-ware?
Sometimes it’s hardware
Occasionally just firmware.
Sometimes software, sometimes hardware… it’s the new semi-ware!
Lol, flaccidware
And even if open source doesn’t fit their business model for any reason, there should be regulations that force these companies to open source everything in any situation that they stop offering support.
I’ve meditated about this a while now! Imagine the amount of electronic waste produced by planned obsolescence! You have a phone, TV, car and much more that could be diagnosed, repaired and reused for same or all different use cases.
All those phones that still are running LineageOS perfectly fine that could be used by the elderly who need not have much more than basic communication.
Terrifying. No government bailout for improving people’s life quality…
No, they’re far too busy using taxpayer money to bail out banks and businesses that are “too big to fail”.
This was the original cyberpunk-transhumanist message. Not “cybernetics will destroy your soul” but “corporations own your body, or worse parts of your body”
That’s a new hell-on-eath I wasn’t aware of. Yikes.
Well that’s fucking bleak, at least I got a good chuckle out of this
NPM’s novel implant for drug delivery.
So that’s how they keep JavaScript devs hooked!
Thanks for sharing.
Wow that made me so fucking uncomfortable, from the serious adverse affects requiring surgical intervention, the company trying to shout down negativity and just leaving these poor people to continue suffering….
It’s all so horrid, I can’t imagine the stress and impact
3 years later they’ll end the support
I don’t think that’s a fair characterization - it sounds like they ran out of money and the company that bought all their assets didn’t maintain support. In that company’s defense, it’s really hard to maintain support for something when you’ve bought the IP but you don’t have any of the institutional knowledge.
Maybe it’s a hot take but if you are giving life-altering treatments, and your company goes under, you should open-source everything
Would that even be legal? The company has obligations to its creditors and shareholders; simply giving away potentially valuable intellectual property right before going under seems to violate those obligations. And it’s the sort of violation for which someone might be personally held liable.
I’m not claiming that a company can never open-source anything, but rather than they have to have a plausible business case for doing so. And I don’t see a plausible business (as opposed to humanitarian) case here… But I’m not a corporate lawyer, just someone interested in this sort of thing.
Edit: there’s also the FDA to consider. If you make medical devices and you want to release the source code, you probably need to demonstrate that it’s safe for users to reprogram their devices (and it’s not safe).
Yeah nothing is even going close to my brain unless the hardware itself is open source
I think of this as being straight up horrifying. This isn’t exciting, this is going to be dystopian nightmare fuel. It’s not hard to imagine this being imbedded into human beings against their will too, like prisoners in the US.
I would rather be a Borg, at least they were motivated by a collective good will to move to perfection, not puppets of a dying capitalist state and it’s related ideology.
Gotta start somewhere! For all we know the Borg began as a simple neural implant developed by Space Coca Cola, marketed as a way to touclessly interface with vending machines, but with the actual designed purpose to make you thirsty af and constantly crave sugary beverages.
And then the Coca Cola logistical AI gained sentience.
Another idea is that somebody found an exploit in the software and figured out how to use it for much more then interfacing with vending machines. So in essence the Borg is one giant botnet accept instead of ddosing or doing database leaching they assimilate people and make them part of the botnet.
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I feel like we are already past that point and are knee deep in multiple Black Mirror episodes.
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Remember that episode where they trained a chat bot off a dead loved one? Then it evolved to a cloned voice, then a realistic robot body? Well we’re one step off from that
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Isn’t there a black mirror episode about someone experiencing a terrible fate because of a malfunctioning brain implant that just got FDA approval?
in the episode black museum
!one of the stories is about a doctor that had a brain implant that was paired to a hat type thing that was put on patients and he could feel everything they felt for a faster diagnosis, then he started abusing it, first for sex, then he realized pain felt even better, then one day he put the device on someone as they died and reached the ultimate orgasm and got addicted to that and became a serial killer!<
What are you waiting for? We’re already living in it! :)
The department of pre crime would like to know your location
Neurolink is a grift by an idiot billionaire that drank his own koolaide.
Yeah no shit, and so now what?
Nothing. He’s full of shit. The thing doesn’t fucking work. He’s selling snake oil to secure more investment before fucking off and selling more false hope to the gullible.
Pretty soon you’ll be required to get one of these as a condition of employment. Just watch.
Remember that episode in Futurama where they got personalized ads fed to their brains while they slept?.. 😔
The Simpson guy predicted the future once again