I’m looking for suggestions that zombie-me could follow through with. The problem is I can barely bring myself to get out of bed, let alone do a useful task. It just wastes typically 2–5 hours of my life as I wait for tiredness to finally (re)take hold.
You work to strengthen unions and take down capitalism.
Here are some helpful resources to read in bed while you’re trying to fall back asleep
Well, if the plan is to eventually continue to sleep, I’d say nothing. Once you get up and start doing something you will just get more awake and it will taken even longer to fall back asleep.
Jack it, then you can sleep again
Procrasturbation is unhealthy
Brain-dead response. That isn’t even procrastinating. What are we procrastinating here, chastity? Release is good for you.
Who the hell thinks masturbation is bad in our mother of lords year 2000+?
And if you go down the hole and say that masturbating too much is bad, then:
A) Why are you not out there helping them?
B) Everything is bad if “too much”
PS. Mine is go to the toilet, then go back to sleep. Or worst case, read the book I’m reading at the moment (touchy because of lighting, I should probably get one of those headlamps or something).
I dodnt say masturbation is unhealthy, I think its fine. Masurbating a lot can also be fine. But the intent determines if its healthy or unhealthy.
What I said was, procrasturbation is unhealthy. Just like eating because youre depressed, or drinking because youre lonely. If youre just doing it to get the endorphins, its not much different to any other substance or behaviour that can be abused. And its indicative of a coping behaviour for some underlying problem that isnt being constructively addressed.
What I think is unhealthy is that you, or anyone else, should decide when masturbation is ok or not lol.
Not procrastinating and not unhealthy.
But it’s a hell of a lot better than laying there listening to your own late night thoughts.
Move to the couch, and read a boring book if you can’t sleep. Don’t do anything stimulating or chances are it will make it harder to eventually go back to sleep.
Read a book!
Yup, it tires the eyes, great for getting back to sleep
Yin yoga is good for this exact situation. I do it without getting out of bed usually (husband is a heavy sleeper). I read somewhere “vigilance is the enemy of sleep” and that makes sense. Yin yoga is designed to calm your nervous system and I find it does help knock me back out. Try to let go of unhelpful thoughts, if you think you need to remember something for the morning place a rubberband around your wrist to make you notice and remember in the morning then let it go.
If it’s so late (early?) that you might as well get up, a morning run, jog, or walk as the sun is rising is a very encouraging activity. It feels so happy to see the new day born, and vigorous exercise in particular (so if you can run instead of walk, do it) is invigorating.
I shitpost on this obscure Internet technology forum called Lemonworld or something to market my movies and confuse some tech nerds.
It’s an incredibly productive use of my free time.
I did cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia years ago, and at the time had the same issue with waking up and then laying in bed for hours trying to get back to sleep. It led to a horrible cycle of anxiety about whether I’d be able to sleep, which of course made it harder to sleep. The most important rules are to try to go to bed and get up at the same time every day. If you’re awake in the middle of the night and can’t fall back asleep after ten minutes, get out of bed and do something quiet with no screens. I recommend hand washing dishes, dusting, or folding laundry. This is productive, calm and quiet, and boring enough that you will be happy to go back to bed when your body says you’re ready. When you start doing this, you’re going to be even more tired during the day. Just suffer through it, don’t take a nap and don’t try to counteract it with caffeine or other stimulants! That will only exacerbate the cycle of insomnia. I also recommend keeping a journal of when you go to bed, every time you wake up, and when you’re finally up for the day. You might find that you naturally wake up less if you give yourself a different bed time window.
Practice your telekinesis and telepathy
Listen to an audiobook.
I will eat a couple melatonin gummies and then read until I get sleepy enough to turn out the lights.
I would caution doing this too much. Melatonin is great for short term sleep issues. But too much melatonin can turn into insomnia. It’s happened to me several times, where I take melatonin too many nights in a row (I’m talking weeks, or even months), and I end up having difficulty sleeping for almost a week when I try not taking melatonin anymore.
I understand this is your experience but I’ve yet to see this confirmed by any well crafted studies.
That could be the case. I don’t know if any long term melatonin use studies have been conducted. But they do caution against using it long term given the safety of it hasn’t been well studied.
Good point!
I started listening to Alan Watts while I find the topics really cool, his voice just puts me to sleep.
Smoke a joint and go back to sleep.
Watching tool restoration videos used to cut my insomnia significantly, usually after one half an hour video I’d have a hard time keeping my eyes open.
Truth is I stopped having insomnia when I left the call center and turned my life around, so the real advice here is get help because it’s most likely a psychological thing
Laying in bed while watching a long no-commentary video would probably work wonders.
Meditation doesn’t require you to leave your bed, and the only way you could fail at it is by falling asleep again.