Is that stuff similar or the same as vegimite? I’ve had vegimite. Hated it.
Yes supposed to be similar. Ideally you’re supposed to put just a small, barely there smear over butter on toast. Too much it’s bad. This is second hand because I’ve not had the…pleasure.
Yes, this is spot on. So many Aussies introduce unsuspecting tasters to napalm levels of Vegemite that it turns people off for life. It’s like, “Hey champ, let me spread this cube of beef bouillon on your toast; you’re gonna love it.” Marmite has more of a yeasty flavor and, for the record, Promite beats them all hands down.
Yeah, use about as much as you would use salt on something. It’s basically flavored salt.
Nah heap it on, and some coon cheese too cant beat it
I feel like I’m walking into a trap even though I’m fairly well traveled. What is “coon cheese?”
It’s a brand name of cheese that is ubiquitous in Australia. They recently rebranded to “Cheer” due to the racist connotations of their former name.
I’m guessing you milk a raccoon and then process that lovely raccoon milk into cheese 🤷
That’s just what a viking hippie would say.
Yep! We are indeed famous for our Bandit Brie and our Scavenger Sardo. Our Trash Tapas aren’t half bad either.
Great stuff
From some reviews Ive seen, they taste wildly different. Same idea, behind the product though. From what Ive heard, vegemite has a more vegetal taste, while marmite has a more yeasty/bready taste like a dark ale.
They also have a completely different consistency. Spreading vegemite is very similar to butter, marmite is thick and syrupy and drips everywhere and makes a mess. I prefer vegemite.
I might actually like marmite then. As long as it’s not super, super salty like I remember the Vegemite being. Though, to be fair to Vegemite, I tried it way back when I was still in the cub scouts (not even bou scouts yet) so it might just have been offensive to my undeveloped taste buds.
Perhaps. I know even some native Aussies dont care for Vegemite either.
I havent had either, so I can only go off of what Ive read. But Id be down to try it, given the chance. I think Vegemite might be great as an umami kick in stews and things, like bullion base.
Marmite is actually saltier
all yeast extracts are the same to varying degrees.
it’s an acquired taste, which is shorthand for it’s rubbish but you get used to it
Marmite is too salty for me on bread. However I love it as an ingredient for sauces, soups etc. great umami flavour.
Yeah, I use it the same way. It’s great for taking soups and stews to the next level.
Tried Vegemite recently. It sort of tasted like thick soy sauce on toast. Kinda good!
I love vegimite,
Make sure you spread it thinly! The #1 mistake made by people who didn’t grow up with it is to spread it thick like jam.
A thin spread of Vegemite on top of a spread of butter is one of the classic foods of many an Aussie growing up for a reason!
Marmite slander smh
Ive never actually tried Marmite or Vegemite, but I would like to someday. I think Id be ok with it. I like savory stuff.
They taste very different. Imagine like they’re both jams/jellies or something of the same family of spreads, but one is apricot and the other strawberry.
Make sure you only use a bit! Both have powerful flavour—like a ramen broth. Also use proper bread for Vegemite, not a sugar bread. The strong saltiness with sugar bread clashes terribly which, combine with putting way too much on, seems to be the two main reasons why Americans regret trying it—just doing it all wrong.
As an American is there a way to get not sugar bread without having to bake it myself? No seriously someone please just sell cheap bread without sweetening it here
I’ll have to give marmite a go once more. If you don’t have them side by side they mostly taste like a yeasty salt lick (In a good way).
For some reason, Marmite tastes “sweeter” to me with an aftertaste that lingers for ages. It’s hard to explain. I’ve spent a lot of years in Australia, though, so I’m probably just victim to the Vegemite cult. Hell, I probably don’t even like it but wouldn’t know anymore.
Marmite on warm toast is 🔥🔥🔥
With lots of butter/buttery spread… 🤤
I’m a Marmite puritan and so forgo the decadence of butter, but to each his own.
I’ve never met anyone who has it neat, no judgment, I’ll occasionally lick the knife of neat marmite, but having it on toast on its own makes my mouth dry just thinking about it… But hey, to each their own! lol
If you enjoy savory and salty stuff it’s pretty good. I personally enjoy it but I absolutely get the hate lol.
You’re also not supposed to use too much because it’s really strong. A thin layer on already buttered toast is good imo, the butter helps it spread a bit better.
I’m probably the only one who does this, but I really like a small bit of Vegemite on a buttered cinnamon raisin English muffin. The saltiness with the sweet muffin is actually really good.
Marmite featured prominently in Taskmaster, from the last days when the contestants were consistently weird enough for TM to be really good
Somewhere there is an outtakes reel with Sally Phillips and Alex Horne pouring absinthe on toast and eating it and getting drunk
I love Marmite, but it fucks with my blood pressure.
Yes. The truth. Marmite is fucking awful.
Vegemite on the other hand elevates a simple slice of bread to a 3 star Michelin masterpiece
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