For example, people on Reddit asking redundant questions and give equally redundant or unhelpful answers.
Whenever every ‘What’s the worst show you’ve seen?’ is asked, you’ll get 10,000 “Kardashians” answers, which is just easy karma farming.
If someone posts in a community that’s geared for something like opinions, but someone elects to just go on a full scale rant instead.
Questions like “When you’re sexing some sexy sex, how many sex do you sex?”
Let’s keep the immature high school/sad old desperate man horniness out of here.
Jesus, yes. I can’t tell you how many subreddits got swamped with high-school leveled questions about sex.
Especially in TooAfraidToAsk, which is supposed to be about questions that’d normally be about trying to ask taboo things to get a discussion. But no, you’ll come across questions like “if there is no porn to look at, what do you look at instead while jerking off in the shower?”. Like, besides trolls, who the hell comes up with some questions like that? Let’s not forget the abundance of people, showcasing the lack of sexual education, asking if they’d get HPV by doing this or HIV by doing that.
Reddit seems like it is largely made up of two main demographics. It’s either people in their 30’s, 40’s, 50’s who were there since the site’s launch (me) or teenagers to early/mid 20’s. The latter has a big reach on the site right now.
who the hell comes up with some questions like that?
I mean the obvious answer is of course young teenagers, especially if their family has a uncomfortable relation to sexuality.
I saw one today on that Reddit bot instance of Lemmy titled:
“I like the smell of my vagnina after my boyfriend cums in me.”
I’m not sure if it’s bored teenagers, bots or straight up dumb asses that are posting that garbage, nor why.
I hope this was a mistype. :(
Adding to this, I’d love to never see the phrase “Sexy Time” ever again
Ugh there are so many phrases I cannot stand from reddit. “thanks for the gold kind stranger” makes me want to throw my computer out of the window.
“RIP my inbox”, “How do I delete someone else’s comment”, etc
Every single time I think about reddit, that picture of a past reddit meet-up appears in my head. 99% were fat, disgenetic, unappealing, unhealthy, weird looking people.
i don’t know… i see a few people using reddit on public transit and they look alright. I find that kind of disingenuous
The different Reddit meetups I had gone to weren’t like that. But after that picture it became nearly impossible to get a meetup going.
This stereotype has stemmed from the amount of neckbeard incelish redditors that hate on women more than anything
It was a shame because that seemed to kill meetups. I had been to a couple up to that point, they didn’t look like that and were a lot of fun.
I forgot about that pic! Nightmare fuel!
Going to a sub of strictly like minded people and posting popular opinions for karma.
“Thanks for the gold” and other “Edit: this blew up” type bullshit.
Any time someone says “obligatory [anything]” I want to scream.
Oh God I hope award speech edits don’t make it over here
That’s the fate of, ironically, a subreddit called UNPOPULARopinions.
“Beyonce is overrated!” - just throw them the lifetime achievement award for “unpopular”. /s
Because of user karma. Even a fake incentive to say things that everyone likes beyond normal social pressure creates a bunch of people who eagerly say inane shit to get moar doots.
Between that, and just hate, I stayed on that sub for maybe a couple of hours.
I used to use /s all the time over at Reddit - especially in political discussions. If I posted sarcastically “advocating” for something, I didn’t want people to misread the post and think I seriously supported that thing.
Normally, I could trust that people would pick up on the sarcasm, but it’s hard over text and there were people actually advocating for the horrible stuff. I didn’t want to be mistaken for one of them, so I’d add a /s. It definitely ruined the joke, but I’d rather do that than have someone think I was racist/sexist/bigoted/etc.
Sometimes the /s is necessary. It’s difficult to convey sarcasm in writing.
Shutting down questions with any variation “just Google it” It always irks me when someone goes “bro you know Google exists right” like if I wanted to Google it I wouldn’t be asking it here
Sometimes the question isn’t about the answer but about the interaction.
Often times google led you there and you get this answer. Love that.
People also forget that Google doesn’t give the same results for everyone. Sure you could use incognito mode, but how many people are going to do that when they’re looking for normal stuff?
There’s two kinds of resposting:
“honest” resposting that happens when the OP hasn’t seen his submission previously posted.
karma-whore resposting that happens when someone wants to get those sweet internet points.
Without karma the second one may not be a problem at all ¯\(ツ)/¯
I’ve gotten pegged by people when I reposted something I knew very well, hadn’t been posted within a year’s timeframe. Like, what’s the problem with that? It hasn’t been seen in so long so yeah it’ll be reposted.
Unlike with your second scenario, I’ve seen posts crop up within the same day and they’re all gratified and praised like as if people hadn’t seen them before when their short attention spans fail to tell them that they did see it before very recently.
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Have an upvote and absolutely meaningless award in form of an icon that I need to pay for first. Kind sir.
Slightly altering a repost to make it seem new
I would say circlejerking. The Bean meme was very Reddit like, but maybe it is necessary to build an online community to have posts like that?
I kind of enjoy the circlejerking to an extent. It’s like watching fads come and go in real time, and I like seeing these dumb memes evolve over a week or two before disappearing
Circlejerking is incredibly fucking stupid, but I eat up stupid humour like candy so I personally support it. As long as serious/discussion spaces don’t get contaminated, ofc
Asking why they’re being downvoted when they clearly have more upvotes. Also, starting a comment with “I’m going to get downvoted for this but”.
Edit: added a word and comma.
Edit 1: wow guys thank you so much.
Edit 2: Rip my inbox.
Edit 3: Ok guys Im going to sleep.
Pointless comment trying to be a contrarian to just add /s at the end.
Shut the fuck up
I appreciate a little footnote to explain what was edited, but yes to all the rest
And if its just a typo? Use strike through, then you can leave your funny typo and correct it
EDIT: i just commented this, right now.
[BLANKS] of Lemmy: “what’s the sexiest sex you’ve ever sexed?”
The SFW porn network needs not to be called the SFW porn network. No communities named CarPorn or UniformPorn or, worse, AbandonedPorn or AnimalPorn.
I always hated those names!
This. So much this.
What is the point of a community about hating seeing spam of a certain topic if all the community does is spam about the topic?
Underrated comment. I understand making a comment every now and then that’s negative (people should be free to reasonably complain) but whole subs devoted to hating on something create the most toxic environments and echo chambers on the internet while inadvertently contributing to the popularity of the thing they hate. The universe grows what you give attention to so I think its best to focus your attention on things you love instead of what you hate.
Cynicism and despair. There are no better words to describe reddit today than these two. Why do they argue endlessly over nothing? Because to them, nothing matters.
You can see that sentiment start popping up in the comments with the newest influx, but I hope sincerity will win out in the end this time.
Especially the pointless cynicism of a “Didn’t happen” reply. My single most powerful change to make Twitter a less toxic place (ho, ho) when I used it was to block @DHOTYA_ and related keywords and anyone who used them.
Pn the reddit side, i started lurking !savethirdpartyapps@reddit same topics over here but… people were being brought in circles by the same claims being repeated by the “nothing matters” people, the fact the debate was harrassed into hopelessness. The problems of these people were adressed to be not hopeless 15,12,7 and 4 threads ago. Its frustrating!
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^ this
edit: take my upvote
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What I will miss from Reddit:
- relevant discussions on every minute, niche topic available
- hitting a button and having it usually work (Lemmy growing pains are tough sometimes, I had to try repeatedly to get this comment up)
What I will not miss from Reddit:
- Low quality content, including, to be blunt, images with text (and calling them “memes”)
- joke subs in general
- joke subs where the people that joined later don’t know it’s supposed to be a joke
- silly repetitious comment chains
- “we did it, Reddit!”
- subs that were supposed to be about real advice/drama but were flooded with bad creative writing
Good news: the low quality memes are here! We’ll work on the rest in the morning
The good thing is one can block entire communities without issue in order to personalize the experience. It was already vital in Reddit for me, so I’m happy to do it from the start here. I don’t hate meme subs or anything and I’m glad they’re having fun, it’s just not what I want of this site. Or outrage bait subs… or sports subs… or gacha games subs… or cringe-focused subs… or -you get the drill. Happily blocking is easy and harmless to them.
Yeah. If only jerboa actually did it. Instead I’ve been blocking things just to see them still in my feed.
Atleast the second point on your ‘missed’ list is generally instance related (atleast in my experience).
The only issues with buttons not working I had was when I didn’t realise my instance was down to update to 0.8.1
Atleast the second point on your ‘missed’ list is generally instance related (atleast in my experience).
True, and I am aware of that. But just speaking of the user experience, it is a pain point that I’m currently experiencing that I wasn’t when using Reddit (aside from the occasional “You Broke Reddit” outage periods).
That’s not a criticism of Lemmy, I mean I lived through Friendster’s cripplingly poor performance, Twitter’s failwhale, and the bad early days of Reddit. Performance issues with new, growing social media sites is to be expected. But for the time being, I do miss being on a more stable platform.
This is attempt #2 to submit this reply. Let’s see if it works…
I haven’t seen an unironic “we did it reddit!” in years. It turned into a parody of itself
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