Blazing saddles
I thought I told you to wash your hands?
tropic thunder!
“Hey, I know you! You’re Kareem Abdul Jabar!”
Joey, have you ever seen a grown man naked?
I picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue.
I am serious… and don’t call me Shirley.
It’s not my favourite now, but there was a time in my youth, Ace Ventura is definitely on this list!
I was more of a Dumb & Dumber guy, but ace is a classic.
“Finkle is Einhorn? EINHORN IS FINKLE!”
What’s the issue with Ace Ventura? I don’t recall any poorly aged jokes or anything like that but it’s been a while since I’ve seen it.
Transphobia was a punchline in basically every 90s comedy.
Hmm. I remember a lot more gay jokes than trans jokes but I’m sure they were there too.
Oh man. Twenty guys puking because the woman is a man… For starters
To be fair, that scene was just as much an attempt to parody the scene from “The Crying Game”, as it was straight up transphobia. But regardless, it doesn’t sit right today.
White Chicks.
White Chicks 2 is coming apparently
Whaaaat, lmao. I am honestly amazed, thanks for the link.
Both of the Ace Ventura films.
Frankly, they don’t hold up well. 😭
Waterloo (1970). That many extras required the collaboration with the soviet army, as well as bulldozing a big area to film.
We can see the difference very clearly with the new Napoleon trailer, which despite the huge budget looks outright poor in battles.
Team America. While I’m not offended by any of it, something tells me a lot of folks would be (and it wouldn’t even be over the puppet sex).
It’s a fucking masterpiece!
The Jerk
I was born a poor black child 🫥
That movie is actually surprisingly progressive if people got their head of their ass. It’s ok to make fun and laugh if the overarching message is positive. That’s the best kind of comedy
“When I was a kid, my mom told me THAT was my special purpose”
This is all I need!
Kentucky Fried Movie
It makes me feel old calling these older movies but male driven sex comedies like American Pie or Superbad seem to be extinct. The closest that comes out today are gender flip versions like Booksmart. I understand the need for a fresh take and the desire to avoid certain questionable aspects of the genre but it feels like there should still be a place for dude centric raunchy comedies.
not a fav but, “meet the feebles”
You just blew my mind. I have seen that one more than a few times, but haven’t thought about it in years.
Wobert was so adorable in that.
I like bringing this classic up whenever I come across a doe-eyed fan of the recent Hobbit movies. 🤣🤘🏼
Blazing Saddles
We need more movies with the soul of Blazing Saddles, though
I love that film. Definitely can’t make that one these days, even if it is satire.
Welcome to the Doll House
I was kinda surprised that it got made at the time…
Kids too
Terminator 2 and 12 Angry Men
Oh, come on, I’m pretty sure 12 Angry Men could get made again in the right context.
Family Guy did a parody episode of it a while back.