Assume you’re life-lusted and are willing to abandon every moral you have just to live. Paying for cancer treatment is also worth prison time to you.
Also assume you’ve exhausted all ethical fundraising options, i.e. GoFundMe, loans, etc. and that insurance won’t cover treatment for whatever reason.
Join forces with a former student and cook meth in the back of a Winnebago
Sounds like a plan, Jesse
Jesse! We need to COOK!
Seriously though, drugs are the quickest easiest way to make a quick buck. Used to be able to scam the check cashing places pretty easy but it’s mostly electronic now.
Whoever’s downvoting you has clearly never pulled night shifts at a 7-Eleven.
deleted by creator
I just get treatment because I live in a country that actually provides its citizens with healthcare (even if the Tories want to get rid of that).
Is it bad I can’t even tell which commonwealth country you’re talking about?
So just ignore the question and sound pretentious?
Do you just call everyone pretentious who says something you don’t like? Lol
He’s misusing the term. What he means is to sound superior, and although I appreciate his spirit – the Europeans and Canadians speaking up are doing so outside of the context of and therefore against the spirit of the question, but I think it’s fine, it’s good to have non-Americans with whom to compare responses.
That is the point of the post. There is something very wrong with this country, isn’t there?
I don’t have insurance because it’s too expensive and the thought crossed my mind this morning that something like that could actually happen to me, and if it did, I honestly have no idea what I would do. And then I realize that the society around me would get angry at me and morally condemn me if I did commit a crime to save my own life, and that’s when I finally realized that American morality is a fucking sham. It’s all designed to convince its subjects to accept being enslaved and murdered to keep the system going, and that’s wrong. What good is morality if it only costs you and doesn’t benefit you?
If you look at higher education, it’s also designed to convince its subjects that killing abroad for oil and economical interests is moral and good. In 2019 a third of Americans still thought the Iraq war was “worth fighting for”. And you’ll notice the question in the Pew research poll. It isn’t “was it moral” or “is it ok we killed 1~3 million people and destabilized and entire region for economic gain”, just “worth fighting for”.
That’s a bit unfair. This question is pretty much only relevant to USians and USians should be reminded of that at every possible opportunity. We’re trying to help you, man.
I don’t worry about money since the treatment is free and sick people get money from the government during recovery.
Australia. 3 years of chemotherapy, two stem cell transplants, multiple X-rays, CT and MRI scans, now in remission, didn’t have to pay for any of it.
Which country?
Pretty much any developed country.
Germany at least, probably the whole EU too.
That didn’t answer the question. You just sound pretentious.
Nah, it’s fair. The health care dilemma is why I actually asked in the first place.
I don’t understand why it is people don’t revolt over it. The government is literally killing people and society itself just expects you to die and no one actually thinks about or appreciates the gravity of the situation.
And you sound salty bro 🙃
They did answer, It means they are stealing tax money from ALL Germans. /s
I mean… it did, they would go get treatment. They have that option.
Start a fundraising email chain for Trumps legal defense and mass mail it.
Galaxy brain over here
I don’t need money for the treatment. #publichealthcare
Die of anxiety long before the cancer gets me, lol
I don’t think stealing would be the hard part. Selling the goods would be. To steal large sum I guess I will drive a stolen car through a jewellery store’s window. I believe this had fairly high success rate with Romanian gangs doing this many times in France and getting away with it. To steel a car I would look for someone leaving it running while and getting out to for a moment. I think I would be able to find one in a couple of weeks. Than smash the widow, grab what I can and run. Risky but if I’m dying anyway it would be worth trying. Turning it into cash would be very difficult though.
You could always hawk it as new on Ebay.
Where I live police monitors those things. They will even check pawn shop inventory for jewellery reported as stolen and you have to show an ID to pawn anything. You would have to sell it to some random guys on the street which would be risky.
Sell it in another country or online.
I’ve heard that the success rate of bank robberies is far under reported.
Yes, but it’s misleading. Most bank robbers get cash from the tellers, and not even all of them. You might clear 10k on a really good score. It’s a lot of risk for little reward. You’d have better success with insurance fraud.
Seriously? You wouldn’t do crime to live?
I’ve had acquaintances waste away trying to delay cancer death. Hospice is not fun, so I’d rather go out on my own terms.
Plus, any kind of money making scheme I’d think of is likely going to end up like the “aim for the bushes” scene in The Other Guys.
Even for cancers with high survival rates, like skin or breast cancer?
Create a fake news website and make sure there’s a floating donate button on every page.
Complain about Klaus Schwab and the WEF and talk about eating bugs and not owning anything.
Say the donation is for gods army to take on Bill Gates and his Clinton’s.
Make absolute bank in less than a week. Tried and true. These people aren’t going anywhere so you might as well mine them like the resources they are.
I would do nothing. Healthcare is free here
Tell us where so op can move there if it comes to that.
The money is a means to an end. It would be more efficient to steal the drugs themselves. As a first guess, threaten a doctor to steal the drugs and write out a detailed rota of what to take and when for you. Depending on the means used to coerce, leave the country afterwards. Or just live in a country with socialised healthcare
A lot of cancer patients need to pay for actual surgery or radiation therapy though.
Finish that “non-violence is ineffective” essay (it’s dense). Join the collective on the front lines. Results: A) we gather steam and ultimately succeed. B) martyrdom gives my death meaning. C) prison provides healthcare and three squares. D) prison is so awful that we revisit B.
I’ll get a social welfare benefits which won’t be a lot but I can probably make do for a while. I’ll also get a medical insurance benefit which covers roughly 2/3 of my insurance so I’ll have to pay something like €40/month myself. Those benefits will help me pay the €385 max yearly out of pocket for the care I’ll need, and be done with it. That’s not to say being in this situation is great in the Netherlands, but I won’t go into debt and I won’t lose my home (gov’t guarantees mortgage to bank) and I won’t have to continue to pay back my 0% interest student loans.
We’re lucky. But make sure to vote.
this implies welfare is stealing
What do you mean?
You have no option but to steal
(from the post title)
Ah, damnit. I guess I’ve accidentally gone full right wing there.
happens to the best of us
I live in Canada, I’m good.