Very much an industry of two halves. Some companies absolutely do not care about you and will drive you to do more with less and for longer hours until you burn out, and then replace you with the next poor sucker. Offers will bend over backwards to look after their people and maintain a working environment where everyone gets a say and is happy and able to be at their best. Which one you get can be a total coin flip, and even sat talking to them in a job interview it’s sometimes easy to mistake one for the other.
I work at a place (state government) that has very flexible hours, lets people step out for a few hours to take care of errands, gives you time off with no questions asked, etc. Having said that, I feel very fortunate, as I have heard some horror stories about other places.
Software engineering and website development.
Not sure I agree there, these are jobs where you can be in a company with “crunch culture”, crazy deadlines, overtime expected, etc.
Very much an industry of two halves. Some companies absolutely do not care about you and will drive you to do more with less and for longer hours until you burn out, and then replace you with the next poor sucker. Offers will bend over backwards to look after their people and maintain a working environment where everyone gets a say and is happy and able to be at their best. Which one you get can be a total coin flip, and even sat talking to them in a job interview it’s sometimes easy to mistake one for the other.
I work at a place (state government) that has very flexible hours, lets people step out for a few hours to take care of errands, gives you time off with no questions asked, etc. Having said that, I feel very fortunate, as I have heard some horror stories about other places.