joinsleads bottom groupEdit: typo
O’Neill, blowing up a fleet:
Carter, blowing up a sun:
McKay blowing up 4/5 of a solar system:
Mckay, almost blowing up an entire alternate parallel reality:
Mckay and Carter, using nanites:
All of them, doing all of this whenever they feel like:
“Those torpedoes are cute. Got any naquadria?”
Kevin Uxbridge:
Singer: sends a vector foil
The Trill seeing the Gou’uld would go ‘fuck this. Those assholes are everything we’ve worked hard NOT being. We’re waging war on those fucking cunts.’
Do you know how much I would do for a Stargate Star Trek crossover? Seeing Jack all up and excited to see it is real in like another dimension or something, would be epic.
EVERYONE looking at Jack like he got replaced or something because he’s nerding out and the smartest person in the room when it comes to who these guys are.
The Goa’uld are already space faring…
Also, they didn’t have no prime directive when they fucked with ancient earth. It’s payback time.
Yeah it’s a bit different coming to an independent non-space faring planet and giving them tools to replicate unlimited bombs, vs coming to a planet who is enslaved by an advanced civilization and helping liberate them.
I think it might be time for a star gate rewatch.
The only situation close to the Goa’uld in Star Trek are the Kelpian and Ba’ul. Everyone’s culture was already “contaminated” by a space faring culture.
Also, Earth did refuse to give weapons to the people that were building nukes in the middle of a civil war.
That was Atlantis, and led by Chief O’Brien.
That was a different nuke scenario iirc.
Ah. Then it must’ve been the one with Parker Louis; whom, as I’m told, couldn’t lose.
Oh, I was thinking of the one with Odo where they were “just giving them water”
Hey you are completely ruining the joke with inconvenient facts.
And when they aren’t contaminated, the message was usually something like “great! kill anything that comes from that path we came, and forget we came here!”
I’m sorry but Janeway is clearly a top.
Dom top clearly
If you want, you could cross post this to !chevron7@lemmy.world.
The Trill show us what the Star Gate universe would be like if the Goa’uld were all like a motivated version the The Dude (Lebowski).
I can’t get a lock on the commerce team, there is too much moral interference!
Prepare a monopolistic market sweep immediately.
I enjoyed both paradigms… maybe the Stargate one a little more even :)