I’ve seen many people have insane setups to download things automatically and NAS’ with tens of terabytes of capacity, which i don’t understand at all.

I have a 1 tb drive from 2013 of which I’m using ~850GB and most of the space is used by series i have already watched and haven’t bothered to delete.

What are you storing to need so much space and how are you finding so much good content that you actually want to save?

  • Wooly@lemmy.world
    2 years ago

    I’ve only got a out 1.5tb but if I ditched Netflix I’d need to download 10+ shows with hundreds of episodes. I’ve already got a few 6+ season shows on my Plex but it’s mostly 1-2 season newer shows because everything has segregated so much in the past few years. If you don’t have Disney+ and want to see all the marvel shit, it’s adding up quick. It’s not like I’m rewatching all this stuff, I have 300 movies and rewatch one or two maybe once a year. I just keep everything because it’s not very expensive to me. If I need more space I’ll drop £100 and have storage for the next 5+ years.

    Then there’s the people who download 25gb 4k movies and shit, I will occasionally but I don’t like to do it.