I see many Taylor swift posts with plane. Plane out of plane and more plane out of plane. Walking dog in plane, why so much plane?
Taylor uses her private jet way too much. But recently she threatened the Twitter account tracking the plane’s movement. So that’s probably why the memes are coming out now.
In particular she used a private jet for a 13 minute journey
13 minutes by air, or 13 minutes by ground, out of curiosity?
I imagine by air, but hope it was by ground and that there is a video of that one.
Takes off on one runway, lands at another runway at the same airport
Did not think of that one.
That one just seems like there had to be more to it. I know very little about private plane usage but I find it hard to believe that there wasnt more to the story. Hangar space, maintenence, ground fees, lack of accommodation, etc. Even if I had absolute fuck you money and her kind of schedule it saved an estimated 15 minutes.
Maybe. I think I saw something about it being potentially a maintenance flight and she wasn’t even onboard. But the memes are already in motion now
So it’s basically like when Elon Musk was whining about the same thing, and people made a point to spam his plane’s movements everywhere.
There is a twitter account that tracks her private jet and she threatend legal actions against the person running it.
And she has/had multiple private jets and uses them indiscriminately. Bad for the environment.
Even though it’s publicly available information
2 Swift 2 Furious
I feel like there’s also been an upswing in anti-Taylor Swift stuff in general. It’s been growing since she started her most recent tour and re-recording older albums where she doesn’t own rights to the original recordings, which has lead to her dominating pop music radio stations and being named TIME magazine’s Person of the Year. The issues of ticket scalping from her tour publicly angered her and led to rumbles of a potential congressional investigation of Ticketmaster and Live Nation’s virtual monopoly over concert venues (which is long overdue). But the backlash really seemed to pick up this fall after she started dating a player in the National Football League and attending as many of his games as her schedule allowed. As one of the top-earning celebrities on earth currently, the cameras would often show her reaction after he had a good play, perhaps more often than they would if it was another family member. She would also be shown again a few other times during the games. I don’t know if it’s really happening, but there have been some reports that Taylor Swift fanatics who would not normally watch football have started watching in hopes of seeing her. All of this seems to have made a lot of people mad, but particularly a segment of conservative men for some reason. There was a conspiracy theory going around shortly before her boyfriend’s team played in the league’s championship game that the whole thing was rigged and that after his team won she would give a speech endorsing Joe Biden for president (never mind that the boyfriend’s team had won the championship last year and four years ago and lost the championship three years ago, making them a dominant contender in recent years). It’s been strange to me how many people I’ve seen who are very vocal about climate change being a hoax are suddenly posting about how much Taylor Swift uses her private jet and how bad the emissions from it are, making them strange bedfellows with climate change believers who also oppose private jet use in general. I’ve also started seeing memes from conservative people about how much they hate her music and would never want to listen to her performance, even though I’m pretty sure some of these people were fans of hers back from her debut as a country music singer-songwriter up until fairly recently, even after she transitioned to mainstream pop. I find the whole thing very strange, like out of 1984 when the war opponent would suddenly flip and everyone insisted they’d always hated the new opponent and loved the new ally, their old opponent.
This is a well thought out post but it’s hard to get through it because of the lack of paragraphs.
Not to be a dick, everyone’s allowed to post how they want but it’s a bit hard to read, for me on my phone at least.
Lol I read the first two sentences and was like “sounds good but I can’t read this block of text” and gave up.
If I was the type, I’d work on making it a new copypasta
Don’t let your memes be dreams
I agree it’s difficult to get through, I think it’s worth reading though. Where would you have put the paragraph breaks?
Like this:
I feel like there’s also been an upswing in anti-Taylor Swift stuff in general. It’s been growing since she started her most recent tour and re-recording older albums where she doesn’t own rights to the original recordings, which has lead to her dominating pop music radio stations and being named TIME magazine’s Person of the Year.
The issues of ticket scalping from her tour publicly angered her and led to rumbles of a potential congressional investigation of Ticketmaster and Live Nation’s virtual monopoly over concert venues (which is long overdue). But the backlash really seemed to pick up this fall after she started dating a player in the National Football League and attending as many of his games as her schedule allowed.
As one of the top-earning celebrities on earth currently, the cameras would often show her reaction after he had a good play, perhaps more often than they would if it was another family member. She would also be shown again a few other times during the games.
I don’t know if it’s really happening, but there have been some reports that Taylor Swift fanatics who would not normally watch football have started watching in hopes of seeing her. All of this seems to have made a lot of people mad, but particularly a segment of conservative men for some reason.
There was a conspiracy theory going around shortly before her boyfriend’s team played in the league’s championship game that the whole thing was rigged and that after his team won she would give a speech endorsing Joe Biden for president (never mind that the boyfriend’s team had won the championship last year and four years ago and lost the championship three years ago, making them a dominant contender in recent years).
It’s been strange to me how many people I’ve seen who are very vocal about climate change being a hoax are suddenly posting about how much Taylor Swift uses her private jet and how bad the emissions from it are, making them strange bedfellows with climate change believers who also oppose private jet use in general.
I’ve also started seeing memes from conservative people about how much they hate her music and would never want to listen to her performance, even though I’m pretty sure some of these people were fans of hers back from her debut as a country music singer-songwriter up until fairly recently, even after she transitioned to mainstream pop. I find the whole thing very strange, like out of 1984 when the war opponent would suddenly flip and everyone insisted they’d always hated the new opponent and loved the new ally, their old opponent.
I’ve been trying to think of how to do a meme about wingnuts loving plane memes at the moment, but I’m only good at stealing templates… 100% this is ham fisted right wing astroturfing.
It absolutely is, and it’s super disappointing to see everyone here lapping it up. Is celebrity private jet usage a problem? Yes. Should we maybe stop and think why it’s just Taylor Swift being targeted? Also yes.
deleted by creator
There’s just been an uptick in Taylor Swift related stuff in general.
Idk it’s a lot simpler for me. She hit a billion, she’s on the shit list. Her plane can stay grounded and the memes will flow til then. No such thing as a good billionaire.
I actually really like a lot of the stuff she is doing. She’s fighting Ticketmaster. She’s fighting shitty copyright laws. She does a lot of philanthropy. Still though, you don’t get to a billion without exploitation, and all billionaires should absolutely be the target of criticism.
Finally a good grounded argument against Swift.
Were you expecting fancier posts?
Just put top hats on the planes.
Don’t forget the monocle
I was told I could find Grade A Fancy posts here, but these certainly are not.
20 years ago Conservatives attacked Al Gore over the same thing. It’s dumb gotcha tribalism. “You want to reduce carbon emissions, yet your job requires you to emit lots of carbon.” Bleh
Her job doesn’t require private jet use.
Private, public. What’s the difference? She’s not flying in the plane alone, is she?
Do you really think a private jet uses the same amount of fuel to move a passenger from point A to point B as a passenger jet? Or even a car for that 28 mile trip?
I don’t know. Are you going to tell me the answer? I apologize for my ignorance.
A private jet is smaller and lighter. As long as it’s packed full of people, is it really less efficient? I don’t think the economics of jet size is necessarily intuitive, so, again, forgive my ignorance.
Bringing up cars is beside the point. Riding a bike would be even better! But we were talking about jet types.
Taylor Swift owns a Dassault Falcon 900. It uses 267 gallons per hour, flies at 552 mph, and seats 12 passengers.
A Boeing 373-800 burns 850 US gallons per hour, flies at 494–544 mph, and seats 168 passengers.
(Gallons per hour/miles per hour) = gallons per mile
(gallons per mile/passenger count) = gallons per passenger per mile)
Dassault 900: 267/552 = .48 Miles per gallon
.48/12 = .040 gallons per passenger per mile
Boeing 373: 850/494 = 1.72 gallon per mile
1.72/168 = .010 gallons per passenger per mile
A Boeing 737 is four times more fuel efficient per passenger than Taylor Swift’s plane.
Bringing up cars is beside the point. Riding a bike would be even better! But we were talking about jet types.
All these memes are being spurred on because her private jet made a 13 minute flight that would have been a 30 minute car ride.
She’s a planewalker
Well this clears everything up.
explane it*
I prefer X-plane(actions) though. X-59 seems pretty cool.
This is what I saw.. Maybe it explains it to you, maybe it doesn’t. Who knows?
“Plane! Plane! What is plane?”
fyi - it’s a Star Trek reference.
Rishi deserves it more than Taylor.
Yo dawg, we’ve heard you like planes? We put a plane into your plane so you can fly while you’re flying.
Am I just old? Who gets the reference?
President Grant?
It’s republicans and/or conservatives mad that she probably will vote for a democrat.
Isnt all her plane usage just a hit piece to try to down her. All famous people use private jets, yet no one is talking about anyone else besides Taylor swift. Has any one of you looked at real data showing flight logs? No, you just all take shes the worst from media telling you so. There’s a reason sites are making a fuss about her, and its the same stupid reason people think she rigged the super bowel.