As per title. None of my IRL friends would have a clue what to do with it, so I want it to go to someone who knows what they’re doing.
Not selling or trading so hopefully this is still within the rules. If this gets a lot of responses I’ll just choose someone at random.
Edit: this had a lot of responses and is now complete. In the interest of fairness I ran 1-67 (the number of responses) through an online RNG and sorted by new, the result was 18 - congratulations @TopRamenBinLaden
I don’t want it but I’ll upvote. Good on you internet stranger
I’ve actually been looking for a private tracker.
I would love an invite, myself. This is super cool of you to do. Thanks and good luck everyone.
I ran 1-67 (the number of responses) through an online RNG and sorted by new, the result was 18 - your reply number. It’s yours, my man. Send me a PM with your email address.
Wow, I never win anything. This is awesome. Thanks so much for your generosity.
Nice name hah, congratulations
If your die roll chooses me, I promise to use it for good not evil.
I’d love it if I get lucky. I promise to use it for evil, not good, but the good kind of evil.
count me in! i’ll Take the L
Can I have an invite please?
I would absolutely be interested in this as well. When and Empornium shutdown I migrated over to Usenet, but I have really missed the wide availability of torrents since then.
I’m in a position to seed quite well since my connection is uncapped, and I’d be happy to share some rarer finds of mine. Unfortunately the power grid where I live is unstable as shit so might not be the best choice. Up to you I suppose, OP.
I could definitely use it with rarbg being gone. Thanks for doing this though very cool.
In the middle of a move, I hope to homelab a setup at my new location but currently a newb (essentially). Can’t use this yet but upvoting for coolness.
Great to pay it forward. Am interested and grateful if chosen. Enjoy the weekend.
i just went to TL like 2 years ago and created an accoutn never used, didnt knew is invite only now?
It regularly has opensignups
Can you invite me?
I am also looking for an invite, so fingers crossed … 🫰🏻
Hey! Thanks for the opportunity. Good luck to everyone.