Not just for series, this is the same with games.
“The first 50 hours of Final Fantasy 14 suck, but the expansions afterwards are worth it!”
“The game starts at max level!”
I can’t stand it. And it’s not like the game magically gets much better, it just feels pretty okay for someone who just wasted months of their time on the bad parts. Of course you’ll enjoy mediocre parts later on after suffering through that crap.
A game has to start being fun ten minutes after the tutorial tops. Why play it otherwise?
Conversely, too many good games get bad reviews because of lacking endgame. So go play the next thing in your overflowing backlog. Some games do what they came for, and that’s fine.
It’s like giving a bad movie review because the concession stand was closed when you left the cinema.
“The game starts at max level!”
Diablo 4 fans be like
Nah, Diablo 4 is much more fun when leveling from 1 to 70 or so. 70 - 100 is just doing the same things over and over with barely any rewards. It’s the other way around there, leveling is fun, endgame is dogshit.
Usually “game starts at max level” is used for MMOs like WoW. Where all the leveling is seen as annoying bullshit fetch quests and at max level you do dungeons and raids.
That would not.apply at all to EvE Online. Levels? What levels? Game content? Only if you make it happen. Lol.
Don’t get me wrong, I love the game, but it certainly isn’t for everyone
This is not true for D4 unless you’re trying to max level as fast as you can. I took my time and did most of the side quests, and I intend to go back and finish them all. The quests are interesting and engaging and voice acted all the way through.
D4 is quite a good leveling experience if you don’t play it zoom-zoom.
My brother is 100% this…”ohhh you just have to get through the fetchquests of ARR and then the story is SOO good”
That’s why I don’t play japanese rpgs despite liking them. You have to “play” for 10 to 15 hours before the game actually starts. And during this time it’s a whole lot of cinematic and dialogs with minimal gameplay. Sometimes it gets ridiculous. I can’t remember which game, but after few minutes of dialog you’d be walking for less than a minute to then have dialog again… I want to play and have fun damn it.
I can’t remember which game, but after few minutes of dialog you’d be walking for less than a minute to then have dialog again… I want to play and have fun damn it.
Sounds suspiciously like Final Fantasy 13. I swear that game was basically an 8 hour FMV that was broken up every 5 minutes for the first 8 hours of the game.
Also, the episodes are an hour long each…
Just has to grow its beard.
Me with Bojack. I straight up tell most folks to skip the first 5 episodes and start with 1-6. The jump in quality the show does when it gets to “The Telescope” is staggering, it doesn’t feel like the same show.
The first few episodes of Bojack were super rough. I think I had a friend that loved the first few episodes and fell off as the show went on.
Guess I need to give it another shot lol
let me start on episode 6 and get back to you.
I mention Bojack to pretty much everyone I care about. I am just worried there’s someone out there that could love the show as much as me and just doesn’t get the chance to.
Well, yeah, I get that, even if I don’t find those episodes bad myself, but I do think episode two, Bojack Hates the Troops, is a really good satirical episode that shouldn’t be missed.
Ok, yeah, my partner loves the Mc Neal Seal puns, and even when we were watching it he was like “season one is supposed to be the bad one? Jesus the show is good then”
This is season 1 of Parks and Recreation. It didn’t really start to get it’s footing until season 2. I’m glad I stuck with it, so many great characters!
Yeah, S1 was trying to be the office too much. The camera shots and everyone’s delivery was just off a bit.
And I don’t think it really landed until season 3 with the cast change.
I like that after Mark leaves, he’s never even mentioned in passing again.
Yeah, on rewatch I generally start at season 2. Same with The Office (US). Both shows are phenomenal, but they take a while to find their footing.
However, I’d certainly argue that even on first viewing, the first seasons can be skipped. You might miss a bit of backstory, but you’d be able to understand most things perfectly fine.
Even then, you could skip half or more of season 1. I can’t remember which to skip, but there’s advice online somewhere I’m sure.
Your mom is a great character.
Shit, if a show doesn’t interest me after 30 minutes I’m done with it. If the story only gets interesting after the forced exposition dump part of the script, then the script needed more work before they filmed it. In my opinion anyway.
I was told to stick it out one more season for each season of breaking bad. Watched the whole show and it never got better. I hated it.
Seriously? Breaking Bad was awesome all things considered. But if you are not hooked by season 1 you won’t like it, period.
The middle part of the series was a drag, too many filler episodes. Strong start, strong end, but if you don’t like the start don’t even bother.
Better Call Saul was all killer no filler baby.
Yes, I should have stopped in the first season
I consider Breaking Bad to be one of the most consistent shows. If you don’t enjoy the first few episodes, you’re unlikely to enjoy the rest of the show. I’m not sure what your friends were on about.
Literally the one show that got me hooked in the first episode.
Every Star Trek ds9 and tng person ever
And Enterprise. It improved so much in s3, but good luck getting through 50 episodes to get there.
Star Trek TNG.
It’s literally Season 3, too.
Annoyingly, there are one or two really good episodes in Seasons 1 and 2. But the majority are total crap.
TNG, DS9, and VOY really.
I feel like this comic should be letting in people who convinced others to stick with DS9.
This image is fucking with me because the way it’s drawn reminds me a lot of Family Guy, and Family Guy is one of those rare cases where this concept is inverted and the show starts going to shit after season 3.
The first few seasons were so good.
Just wait until you get to season 107, it will really pick up!
I really don’t get the hate for friends. It’s just a tv show with funny bits here and there.
It’s exactly what a sitcom is supposed to be. Light watching that’s generally funny. Also if you miss an episode or two here and there it’s easy enough to pick up what’s going on.
I love shows like that, after a long day of mentally draining work. I don’t want to think, I just want to drink a beer and zone out. Even though I’m still thinking about work lol
Honestly my biggest blunder of this was telling my boyfriend we watch Miraculous Ladybug and that it gets really good in season 5. I honestly lucked out that we both found it a riot from start to end, it’s now one of our favorite shows.
Yep, went the same route myself. I’m looking at you, Critical Role campaign 1 👀
But for others I always recommend start with the 3rd now.
I’m your worst nightmare. I refuse to get to s2 or s3 until I finish the dredge that is s1 because I’m of the belief that CR is only good because the people who watch it went through s1 first
Ooooh I respect that. You have a lot of patience xD I’m trying to finish 1 rn btw. Only watched a couple of episodes of 2 and 3 to check out and decided to leave it for later as well as you. To get a more full picture I guess…
Clone wars be like
One Piece fans lmao.
This week’s episode is actually really good. You just have to watch the other 1071 episodes first and I swear you’ll like it.
I think that’s just called Stockholm Syndrome.
I can’t deny this lol. Sometimes you like it from the start, but the start is very corny since it was made in the 90s, so it doesn’t grab everyone right away, but it matures really well over time and becomes more timeless. But even then I have to admit it can be an acquired taste with its cartoony style and wacky characters/world.
My GF loves One Piece, she started me at just one episode quite a ways in - the one with Bink’s Sake - basically just to say “hey look, this story is actually going somewhere”. Then we started at like episode 60 or so and kept watching from there - it’s definitely a lot rougher, but I’m hooked enough now to watch it with her!
It’s unfortunate that it is true. No going around it - the first 25 or so episodes are cartoonish and the old drawing style kept a lot of people away. I tried to convince people to stick with it but most of my friends left it around episode 2 or 3.
It’s also evident that it is perceived as a dumb teens series since producers brought it to TV to a channel named 4Kids. And then they quickly realized by the second batch of episodes that kids definitely shouldn’t watch that.
That’s why I’m hoping the live action becomes a success. One piece has a lot of amazing things, but the anime adaptation is just shat out of someone’s ass every week. I can’t recommend that to anyone.
If Netflix is successful in recreating the one piece experience - and so far it looks like they are - I’ll finally have something to show people why I like this story so much.