Yeah, sex is cool, but have you ever closed like 50 browser tabs after finishing an annoying project?
Sex for me usually involves closing 50 browser tabs right after.
Is porn an annoying project [spams a bunch of thinking emoji]
The “I figured it out!” feeling!!! Solving a particularly difficult problem, or the moment when something you’ve been struggling to understand finally “clicks.”
I’ve been in love, had great food and drinks and been to a few amazing far off places, had great orgasms, enjoyed awesome stories in various forms of media, etc. but nothing compares.
Fixing something you thought was probably going to end up trashed is also a great feeling. I would call it a subcategory of the “I figured it out!” feeling, though.
I agree along with the flash of insight that lightning strikes you and you know it in your body before becoming aware of it consciously
This, especially while coding. I was thinking about a problem for like 30 minutes and then finally figured it out.
This is it. Doesn’t matter if you spent 60min, 10h, 100h, 1000h,… on it - that’s accomplishment.
“To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women.”
Just kidding. I have no idea. Some would say love, I’ve been fortunate enough to have a caring family, but I’ve never known “true love” of another not from my family.
Falling into a nice comfy bed when you’re exhausted and just passing out
Using an actual flushing toilet after being out in the wilderness for even just a few days
Eating your favorite meal
Having your back scratched or getting a massage
Apparently I think the best feelings have to do with the physical and not the mental, not sure why that is
Using an actual flushing toilet after being out in the wilderness for even just a few days
That first shower though! And I count music festivals as being in the wilderness for a few days.
To hold one’s child for the first time.
I don’t have one, would it work if I hold yours?
My youngest is 7 and kind of a big guy.
My newborn is now 8 years old and I still think holding her is the greatest feeling in the world.
That skin to skin is amazing, hearing that first breath/cry.
Do babies that are clean naturally smell nice or is that always the “baby” products?
Babies produce a pheromone to make them cuter so that you don’t huck them into the woods when they just won’t shut up.
I’ve heard at least once and prolly more than once online that the notion that pheromone’s influence humans is a highly contested matter…
Fair enough; I have no idea. We’d like to think we are above our animal natures I’m sure.
That’s by smell. They all smell fantastic in part because they don’t produce much sweat.
I never smelled that nice when I used baby shampoo.
As of this morning, I can tell you the WORST deeling in the world
God damnit please for the love of god shut up
I’m sorry, is the same day too long of a time to discuss it? I’ll leave you to your memes, then. No worries here! It’s all good!
Q: What is the best feeling in the world?
It’s just mind boggling how dumb you are.
I can see inconsiderate of the question, but stupid? Come on. I knew what I was doing
I was hoping completely unrelated comments like these would disappear after the election but some people sure are persistent. Also if seeing the wrong candidate win is the worst feeling you can imagine then you should work on your personality a little bit because defining yourself solely by politics can’t be healthy.
Welp this is asklemmy and this is an answer, maybe not the answer that validates your thoughts, but an answer that is not a joke or a meme.
It is an answer. One that’s totally off topic. The previous comment was a little harsh but I’m quite tired of people making everything about politics.
Comment OP did not mention politics, is just off topic. Anything from his pet died to he coping with a loss are valid feelings. In the event you’re getting hurt for people expressing their opinions and feelings about politics, dude, I think you’re not ready to go out.
God damn this is stupid. People area gonna die and worse. Use your damn head.
I’ve heard the greatest feeling in the world is holding your baby for the first time, but I can’t speak to that yet. For me, though, it’s the feeling of being in love with your best friend. It’s a deep, effortless connection where it feels like they’re a part of you. When they’re not around, it’s this constant longing, this ache of missing them, and the thoughts of them that never really stop. It’s wanting to see them happy, to be the one who brings them joy, and realizing how much they mean to you in every little moment. It’s the kind of love that makes everything else feel brighter, like life just wouldn’t be the same without them in it.
This is comletely true, except it didn’t kick in for me until my child was around for a few days. The first 48 hours, I was too brain dead for it to sink in. My advice to soon-to-be parents is not to feel guilty if you’re not immediately star-struck; it can take time.
After a week or so I felt exactly as you described. It’s incredible.
Laying down in your own bed after traveling for a bit
I have a good family life. Making a coffee and tea first thing in the morning for my wife, getting a slap on the butt, asking me ‘how was your sleep suckhead?’
Feeling your butt cheeks on the toilet seat just before you lose the battle to hold everything in.
When I go to bed and my dog shoves himself under the covers and tucks himself in the crook of my knees. Or when he rests his chin on my ankle.
When I’m dragged across an array of sharp raised metal bumps on a plane until there’s a pile of me in strips and chunks on the plate below.
No, wait, that’s the grate-ist feeling, sorry.
The feeling of being loved.
What’s it like, Ron?
Cold glass of water.
Waking up to a quiet, clean house every day, with no children.
Preach. Or human roommates, I would add in my case.